Matteo Salvini’s Challenge in the European Union
The united and determined centre Right can liberate Brussels.
The united and determined centre Right can liberate Brussels.
As of Feb. 3rd, Johan Floderus, a Swedish EU diplomat, has been unlawfully imprisoned by the Iranian regime for 657 days.
Platz argued that only through cultural and spiritual renewal could the West recover its lost solidarity.
The political elite increasingly seeks to implement its own agenda—no matter what ordinary people want.
After years of tensions, European elites have entered into a personal crusade against Orbán; they want his head.
The EU is virtually incapable of making rational decisions in line with its own long-term interests.
The progressive ivory tower of the EU is at risk of tumbling.
European interest rates rise and fall closely with American rates. This can be good for Europe, but it can also be bad, especially if America is hit by a fiscal crisis.
Israel refuses surrender terms dictated by EU
If a country cannot reject a decision imposed on it by other states, it is no longer free.