France: ‘Pro-Hamas’ Leftist MP Faces Criminal Prosecution
Danièle Obono called Hamas a “resistance movement.”
Danièle Obono called Hamas a “resistance movement.”
“At a time when the Americans may have a more national outlook concerning threats—white supremacism, repeated shootings, conspiracy—they must not forget what for us in Europe appears to be the primary threat: Sunni terrorism,” Gérald Darmanin said.
The impotence of the French government in respect to the island of Mayotte is the same as any European government that claims to be tackling immigration today.
French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin considers the Italian prime Minister “incapable of solving the migration problems” of her country.
The worst fears raised by members of Les Républicains or the Rassemblement National are fully justified: the state has not been able to deal properly with these 234 migrants, most of whom have disappeared into thin air.
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s exceptionally harsh rhetoric comes amid an escalating war of words between the French and Italian governments.
“We want to allow the expulsion of any foreigner found guilty of a serious act … regardless of their condition of presence on the national territory,” Minister Darmanin said.