Giants’ Footsteps
The example of the 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya, poor, simple, faithful men, can strengthen us. Let their example give us fortitude to follow Him wherever He leads, and if it costs nothing less than everything, so be it.
The example of the 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya, poor, simple, faithful men, can strengthen us. Let their example give us fortitude to follow Him wherever He leads, and if it costs nothing less than everything, so be it.
This presents a case of border spanning, intra-European recruitment, with agents in Spain and Belgium escorting the minor from her home to their base of operations.
The objective of their repatriation to France is twofold. First, to question them and assess their exact role within the Islamic State, and second, to bring them to justice. Such noble intentions have met with resistance.
The arrival of such troubles in the south of the country is explained by a general climate of impunity surrounding these atrocities.
Oukabir is also now appealing his sentence based on the ‘Atristain Doctrine.’ As in the cases of the ETA members, information key to his conviction was obtained from him while ‘incommunicado.’
After an MP had just been murdered in cold blood, and without evidence that social media played any role in causing the heinous act, the spectacle of MPs wasting parliamentary time with irrelevant distractions was a shameful scandal. For how much longer will the political class flee from reality rather than face unpleasant facts?
The Malian government has brought in the Russian mercenaries to help fight the ongoing incursion of jihadist insurgents. Aid to the Church in Need reported in December that attacks on civilians by Islamic militants have increased, particularly targeting Christians and others who oppose them.
Christians are being driven out of their communities, particularly in Nigeria’s north and middle belt, bit by bit, and many of the villages are being abandoned. This is what has been called a “slow-motion genocide.”
After years of chasing Islamic extremists, however, Western governments and their intelligence services, as well as the mainstream media, today seem to have broadened the scope of what they mean by “extremism” to encompass all ideologies, philosophies, and political movements that are somehow deemed “too dangerous” to exist. And these, according to them, are increasingly found on the Right.
After ten years of war, with hundreds of thousands of deaths and the mass displacement of millions of civilians, the Syrian people are desperate for peace and stability.