2035 Car Ban Deadline In Doubt
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini welcomed the postponement, with Italians presenting stiff opposition to legislation that critics say will cripple the European car industry.
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini welcomed the postponement, with Italians presenting stiff opposition to legislation that critics say will cripple the European car industry.
Italy and France’s previous disagreements seem to be behind them, as the ministers announced joint plans to control migration in North Africa.
Meloni’s statements found support among prominent members of Italy’s LGBT community, including Cristina Gramolini, the president of the pro-lesbian and feminist association ArciLesbica.
“The solution, then, is not to take Africans and move them to Europe; the solution is to liberate Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it.”
Most of those who were rescued or made it to shore alive were adults. Two minors ages 12 and 16 also survived.
Woke, bisexual, socialist: Elly Schlein is the polar opposite of Meloni and is set to radically reform the failing Democratic Party.
The Italian government faces the challenge of restructuring the administrative machinery of the state and its entrenched managers inherited from previous administrations who are a historical remnant of political parties’ compromises.
We want an Italy that is a great nation among great nations, that regains possession of its identity, and that is involved on a European and global level.
Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini brandished the plans as economic suicide and insinuated that EU legislators had been influenced by Chinese lobbyists.
Italy favors external border solutions over redistribution schemes, said PM Giorgia Meloni after the EU summit.