Death Toll Rises to Nine from Glacier Collapse in Italy
A mammoth chunk of the glacier atop Mount Marmolada hurled down the mountain at around 186 mph, killing at least 7 hikers and injuring 8 others.
A mammoth chunk of the glacier atop Mount Marmolada hurled down the mountain at around 186 mph, killing at least 7 hikers and injuring 8 others.
The Po River, once feared for being prone to spring floods, may become the source of fresh horror as multiple crises in Italy play out due to the absence of water.
Now more than ever, Matteo Salvini is essential to the maintenance of the Draghi government.
The ceremony took place in the diocese of Cardinal Zuppi, famous for his positions in favour of homosexual couples.
Carboni’s militant gesture has opened the door for some of the Italian political class to expand the 2019 court ruling into a law authorizing euthanasia.
A group of teenage girls was surrounded, groped, and taunted by about 30 African men. When trying to escape, they were told “white women don’t go up here.” The incident rekindled the discussion on integration of migrants in Italy.
The visit from the three heads of state was mostly a symbolic gesture, as Ukraine is under an ultimatum from Russia and lacks weapons.
During the June local elections in Italy, Giorgia Meloni welcomed the return of a “healthy [political] bipolarity” with a clearly identified Right and Left.
An Italian court awarded a compensation of €77,468 to the family of a 32-year old who died last year as a result of the COVID-vaccination, setting a precedent for the many similar cases currently in courts.
In Western Europe, Italy has been engaged for several years in a long and discreet process of reducing the practice of abortion. Without any publicised legislative change, without any loud political battle, the Italian population is gradually showing its opposition to a practice that generates a lot of suffering.