Sánchez’s Betrayal of Spain
If Pedro Sánchez needed the help of the devil himself in order to be in power, he would accept it without hesitation.
If Pedro Sánchez needed the help of the devil himself in order to be in power, he would accept it without hesitation.
“The part that we live is really small. All the rest of existence is not life but merely time.” People with no hobbies read Seneca’s words as a kind of profit and loss spreadsheet.
The reigning consensus on global warming makes ‘green’ policies the easiest way to muzzle capitalism and fatten the state.
Everything points to Spain being Europe’s Venezuela, and the government will ultimately be chosen by all of Spain’s enemies.
The Spanish case is a perfect example of how the identitarian Left works in the real world: its feminism does not defend women, but attacks them in order to sell an electoral slogan.