Leftist Politicians Refuse To Condemn Hamas
Far-left across Europe focused instead on what they called “Israeli apartheid.”
Far-left across Europe focused instead on what they called “Israeli apartheid.”
Reactions to the Hamas massacre show that we too have to fight for our democratic civilisation
People on the left are extremely self-centered. That explains why this elected Democratic party representative in Minneapolis did not see her own monumental hypocrisy.
A hotly anticipated left-wing, anti-immigration party seems set to emerge as multiple MPs pledged support to Sahra Wagenknecht the past week and Die Linke entered crisis talks to avoid a schism.
When movie critics across mainstream media dismiss Sound of Freedom in unison, and when they are so quick to associate it with QAnon, I am left wondering if this movie and that conspiracy theory hit too close to home for their comfort.
There is a certain ideological uniformity among Pope Francis’ selections, in contrast to those of the previous pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI who took care in their appointments to give the College of Cardinals a certain diversity.
If one’s intention is to dominate the other, it is inconvenient for him to come to the negotiation table with a definite position and personality. Better to convince him that he has no definite identity.
The party has been split on how to respond to the rise of the FPÖ—with Doskozil championing a more conservative line on immigration, and Babler wishing to take the SPÖ to the Left.
“We should strip this presidency of all glitter and glamor,” the mostly leftist coalition argued, saying that they can’t let Orbán become “face of the European Union.”
The one question that Christianity-hating MEP Malin Björk does not want to ask is: what would replace Western society if she got what she wanted? A new Soviet Union? An Islamic caliphate? In which of these would Malin Björk be treated better than in the very Western society for which she has such deep disdain?