Spanish Conservatism: A Selection
A look at three representatives of Spanish conservatism: Donoso Cortés, Ramiro de Maeztu, and Elias de Tejada.
A look at three representatives of Spanish conservatism: Donoso Cortés, Ramiro de Maeztu, and Elias de Tejada.
Liberalism leaves our cultural traditions and moral life at the mercy of whatever happens to result from the totality of individual human wills.
Against the endless liberation of the individual and the atomization of society, conservatives must uphold a concept of man as part of society with a shared identity and a shared ethos.
We have not been gradually losing our rights, freedoms, and political power. In truth, we never really had them to begin with, for they were never grounded in true political authority.
Liberalism inherited a Christian psychology but, having jettisoned the Rock of Ages, built its political theory upon the sand.
So, what happens when the ‘liberal’ undermines the ‘democracy’?
If the ‘M’ word is uttered, the malefactor’s hearers often reply: “So, you want to be a lord or something? If we had a monarchy again, you’d be nothing!” My favourite response: “What makes you think I’m something now? Do you think the chancellor cares if you or I live or die?”
The Albanian Democratic Party seeks to preserve our nation, the family, our cultural traditions, and religious diversity.
Ahead of October’s Bishops synod that is set to discuss priestly celibacy and the role of women, Pope Francis has announced his long time friend, liberal Archbishop Víctor Manuel Férnandez will become the head of the most important doctrinal institution in the Roman Catholic Church.
In this episode of our “Occasional Dialogues” series, Kurt Hofer interviews Patrick Deneen, professor of political philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. They discuss his new book, “Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future,” which Deneen says continues the themes of his 2018 book, “Why Liberalism Failed,” but with a constructive project in mind: he proposes a bold plan for replacing the liberal elite and the ideology that created and empowered them.