Non-Binary Aztecs Against la Hispanidad
Whatever its opinion concerning the Spanish empire, the Descolonícemonos initiative quickly betrayed its abject submission to prevailing ‘woke capitalism.’
Whatever its opinion concerning the Spanish empire, the Descolonícemonos initiative quickly betrayed its abject submission to prevailing ‘woke capitalism.’
The way the government currently calculates the crime rate gives the same weight to a rape as to a robbery. If robberies go down more than rapes increase, the result—on paper—is that the crime rate has decreased.
Like radicals in all corners of the world, instead of celebrating a leader and iconic figure, the government chose to make politics of the monarchy which has always stayed above the fray of politics.
Conservatives have tended to mistake politicians touting ‘individualism’ and ‘economic liberalism’ for champions against ‘wokism.’ Madrid’s Díaz Ayuso is a clear example.
In Seville, one of the hottest and most touristic cities in the country, restaurant and shop owners have come out in full rebellion against the measure, calling it one more step in undermining small businesses.
Experts attribute the present gang expansion to a rebound effect from pandemic restrictions. Spain, which imposed a strict lockdown during the first months of the pandemic, followed by year-long restrictions, is no exception. The abnormal ‘new normal’ has engendered terror in the streets.
In the days following the centre’s opening, the Dator Clinic sent out several Tweets and retweets calling Refugio ProVida “an assault centre.” Some tweets also stated, “we cannot allow this” and “please do something.”
Only by rediscovering a vision of the good life that reckons with the suffering inherent in human experience and conceives of individuals as social animals bound by duty to one another—Edmund Burke’s “partnership of the dead, the living and the unborn”—do we stand a chance of bending the rising generation’s egotism and make them want to grace their communities and nations with new human beings.
“We do not want a dehumanized country in which our lives are devoted to the merely material,” Isabel Díaz Ayuso said. “Spain and Europe suffer from a real demographic problem which, if unchecked, will cause other serious problems in the middle and long-term.”
The news comes only a few weeks after Belgium had stripped the residency permit of the highly popular Muslim cleric Mohamed Toujgani. Toujgani was chief imam of the Al Khalil Grand Mosque in Molenbeek, the Brussels district known as a breeding ground—and place of refuge—for Islamist radicals.