Paideia and Renewing Greece: An Interview with Dimitris Natsios
Our goal is to break free from our current system and to give rise to a political movement that won’t simply earn some seats in Parliament, but that will change Greece.
Our goal is to break free from our current system and to give rise to a political movement that won’t simply earn some seats in Parliament, but that will change Greece.
Whatever happens to Trump, he will continue to have that catalytic effect on the awakening of most Americans that the old republic simply doesn’t exist anymore, and we have to find a new path forward.
American conservatives can take heart in how [Hungary has] been able to articulate a foreign and domestic policy that resonates with the people.
Michael Rectenwald discusses what conservatives, libertarians, those on the Right, and free thinkers in general can do to stand up to an ever-encroaching ideological totalitarianism that is attempting to complete its “long march” and cement its position in society via the Great Reset.
I’m disappointed in the NDP [New Democracy Party] in Greece and the NDP [New Democracy Party] in Canada. They are different parties, but in both cases they’re merging into a leftist ‘uniparty.’ It’s as if we just let the parties get run by unelected technocrats who basically are telling us how to live our lives. That is not freedom.