The Birth Pangs of France and the House of Lilies
House of Lilies is an immensely readable book that succeeds in being both entertaining and informative, despite covering four centuries of Capetian rule.
House of Lilies is an immensely readable book that succeeds in being both entertaining and informative, despite covering four centuries of Capetian rule.
Imagine a family, a city, a nation, or a civilisation that forgets its past: it would be a zombie.
The Church must take more seriously its power to curse God’s enemies, for their sake and for ours.
Conservative artists should keep the great achievements of Western culture alive.
The values of Tolkien’s world are not those of moral relativism, but those of the traditional Christian conception of courtship and romantic loyalty, in which the intimate aspects of love are treated with discretion and respect that protects their nobility.
The deep-rooted conviction that men have lived for centuries under the obscurantist illusion that the Earth was flat is simply an invention of modernity.