Anti-Christian Attacks Continue in Nigeria
A slow-motion genocide continues to target the Christian population of the region which thus far has claimed up to 36,000 Christian lives.
A slow-motion genocide continues to target the Christian population of the region which thus far has claimed up to 36,000 Christian lives.
There were numerous attacks against Christians in the past week in Nigeria. Violent persecution of Christians has been escalating in that country since at least the turn of the century.
The numbers of Nigeria’s dead and displaced on account of recent violence vary widely, but in October of last year, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN International) was reporting anywhere between 3,000 and 36,000 people had been murdered.
Christians are being driven out of their communities, particularly in Nigeria’s north and middle belt, bit by bit, and many of the villages are being abandoned. This is what has been called a “slow-motion genocide.”