Rumors of Reshuffle Within the French Government
In the event of Élisabeth Borne’s departure, the question arises of the colour of the person who would replace her: would Emmanuel Macron then choose to lean more to the Right or more to the Left?
In the event of Élisabeth Borne’s departure, the question arises of the colour of the person who would replace her: would Emmanuel Macron then choose to lean more to the Right or more to the Left?
Pap Ndiaye advocated the return of dictation, as well as the daily practice of writing and mental arithmetic. He hopes to improve the spelling and grammar skills of French pupils in CM1 and CM2—the last two classes of the French primary cycle.
Newly recruited teachers will be contractual workers, not civil servants, who will be exempt from passing the competitive examination: something that is hardly conceivable in the French education system.
By sacking one of his best generals and replacing him with a ‘woke chic’ scholar when the country is already suffering from racial tensions, Macron gives the unsettling impression that France’s decadence is a settled issue.