National-Conservative AfD Becomes Strongest Political Force in East Germany
If the election were held this Sunday, AfD would garner 27% of the total vote in the eastern federal states, placing them one percentage point ahead of the CDU.
If the election were held this Sunday, AfD would garner 27% of the total vote in the eastern federal states, placing them one percentage point ahead of the CDU.
If the FPÖ manages to win over voters from the anti-lockdown, vaccine-critical MFG Österreich party, it could potentially see them surge past the leftist-globalist SPÖ as the country’s most popular party.
52.1% of Slovaks would welcome a Russian military victory over Ukraine, the poll revealed.
A majority of voters (35%) view the Sweden Democrats’ immigration program as the most favorable to the country’s interests.
A survey, conducted by one of the country’s most trusted polling firms, has revealed that Germany’s globalist-led political system—propped up by its ideologically uniform press, cultural institutions, multinational corporations, and academic establishment—is facing a legitimacy crisis, with nearly one in three Germans believing they live under a “sham democracy” where citizens have no say.
The rise of Turkish-led, Muslim-dominated parties backed expressly by immigrant communities isn’t a phenomenon that’s confined to the Netherlands. Similar parties have cropped up in Sweden, Austria, Spain, France, Greece and Bulgaria.
If the vote were held today, the formation of a majority coalition between the CDU, SPD, FDP, and Greens would be impossible.
A new poll that surveyed the opinions of French women has revealed nearly seven in ten support banning foreigners who haven’t lived in the country for at least five years from accessing the social welfare system.