Israel on the Brink: Netanyahu’s Government Postpones Controversial Reform Bill
The Israeli leader was left with little choice, as he tried to maintain the coherence of his rightist coalition government as well as the social fabric of his country.
The Israeli leader was left with little choice, as he tried to maintain the coherence of his rightist coalition government as well as the social fabric of his country.
The country is plagued by all sorts of blockades and other incidents. Roadblocks are set up on many roads and around major cities by demonstrators.
Beyond the organisational frustrations, the optics of the king’s reception and the almost revolutionary atmosphere in France contributed to the cancellation.
The Republican House of Representatives Speaker slammed the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s investigation into the former president as being “an outrageous abuse of power.”
Last month’s national rail tragedy might prove more damaging to Mitsotakis’ government than the wiretapping scandal which nearly sank it.
The government’s announcement to use article 49.3 of the Constitution has put the country in a state of fever. Now, the government runs the risk of being overthrown.
Demonstrators are calling for the government to urgently address railroad safety, which they claim had been ignored for years.
The bill is progressing in the Senate but is more unpopular than ever in public opinion. It crystallises a certain number of resentments plied against the president and his government.
Tuesday’s events may be decisive in stemming Macron’s plans to reform French retirement.
In the war currently underway in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon, all blows—even low ones— seem to be allowed.