What Kind of Conservative Am I?
In this inaugural commentary for The European Conservative, Rod Dreher introduces himself to our readers.
In this inaugural commentary for The European Conservative, Rod Dreher introduces himself to our readers.
For decades, Rod Dreher’s writings have driven the cultural conversation in many important ways. Join us as he keeps the discussion going here.
Hungary is unique in enthusiastically welcoming conservatives from all around the world, and offering them a space in which they can voice their convictions without constantly being hounded.
The legacy of 20th century history has left the Right in Central Europe questioning what we are meant to conserve after 40 years of communism. Our task is not so much to preserve traditions, but to reawaken them and to establish new ones. This approach is more reactionary; Central European conservatism is combative, because it has to be.
There is no indication that David French has ever visited Hungary, but the idea that leading figures of an American political movement in which he no longer possesses even a crumb of influence or credibility feels affinity for that country clearly angers and frightens him.
A major dilemma in Europe has become more acute with the substantial increase of Muslim asylum seekers from impoverished or devastated countries.
“The United States may well be the most radical nation in history. We never think about our past, and rarely think about our future”, says Rod Dreher of the American Conservative, in this recent interview.