Houellebecq, Prophet of Post-Christian Europe
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
The pope’s ten predecessors knew that Marxism was radically incompatible with Catholicism.
History shows that we are unlikely to accept decline as a permanent state. If our current ruling class won’t stop it, sooner or later, majorities will clamor for someone who will.
We can’t unsee what has been revealed.
The termites have been feasting on rot of the American establishment for a long time.
Columnist Rod Dreher sits down with Louis Betty, editor and co-translator of Enemy of the Disaster, the first authorized English translation of Renaud Camus’ political writings.
What will it take to wake decent people up and take an active stand against this barbarism?
“Like the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, the new Leviathans are engineers of souls.”—John Gray
Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the mass migration overtaking the country better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.
What would happen if enough people stopped believing the narratives promulgated by the ruling class and its media?
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