The Lie
Restoring the ‘rule of law’ by turning a country into a banana republic—if this is not a systemic lie, I do not know what is.
Restoring the ‘rule of law’ by turning a country into a banana republic—if this is not a systemic lie, I do not know what is.
Like all leftist agendas, it is directed against the nation-state, against national sovereignty, and against the family.
If you had described conditions in today’s United States to the average American at the turn of the 21st century, he would have thought you a madman.
Mateusz Morawiecki and ECR co-chair MEP Ryszard Legutko look set to greenlight Hungary’s ruling party joining the group after the EU elections.
Thanks to authors like Hazony, we can see more clearly the deceptive arguments of those who condemn the nation-state to either extinction by the verdict of history, or to extermination by means of a brutal imperial policy.
The ECR chief accused that the European Parliament, among other things, of inflicting immense damage on Europe, infecting it with shameless partisanship, and being anti-democratic.
What lies at the root of the totalitarianism that seems to be asserting itself in free societies in today’s West? The answer to this question reveals a fascinating affinity between Ryszard Legutko, a 21st century Polish Catholic philosopher and the 19-century Dutch Calvinist historian and statesman Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer.