Meloni and Salvini Clash After Bungled Bank Tax Plan
Italy’s ruling coalition was left licking its wounds after a shock announcement to tax excess bank profits sent markets into a tailspin.
Italy’s ruling coalition was left licking its wounds after a shock announcement to tax excess bank profits sent markets into a tailspin.
During the June local elections in Italy, Giorgia Meloni welcomed the return of a “healthy [political] bipolarity” with a clearly identified Right and Left.
If Ukrainian grain shipments continue to be affected, “significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem. Without peace, there will be famine in the autumn and 20 million Africans will be ready to leave,” Salvini said.
The Italian birthrate, which has been well below replacement levels for over four decades, fell to a record low of 1.16 births per woman in 2020 as would-be parents grappled with socially oppressive and economically ruinous COVID-19 lockdowns.