Slovakia Dismantles Partisan Special Prosecutor’s Office
PM Fico’s nationalist government makes country prime target for Brussels’ weaponisation of EU rule-of-law provision.
PM Fico’s nationalist government makes country prime target for Brussels’ weaponisation of EU rule-of-law provision.
“What Fico and Orbán are both saying is that we are not against the EU, we just want to have a say in what is done and how it is done, not just blindly follow what bureaucrats are telling us to do.”
Transparency chief on “democracy tour” to fight the ‘undemocratic’ beliefs of a majority of Europeans.
Prior to Tuesday’s summit, the Czech and the Polish PMs had hinted at the possibility of dissolving the Central European grouping.
The election will serve as a crucial gauge of whether Slovaks favor maintaining a conservative, sovereigntist path or shifting towards globalist, pro-Brussels politicians.
The EU Commission is blatantly going after political forces whose stance it does not agree with.
There is a big need for structural reforms to the Slovakian welfare state. Such reforms require a level of political leadership that Europe so far has only seen in Hungary.
New Slovak PM Robert Fico has promised to stand by Hungary.
Russian saber-rattling continues: launching jets from NATO territory “will force Russia to retaliate.”
Slovakian conservatives are divided by the dilemma: pro- or contra-Fico?