Euros & Dollars: Trump’s Federal Reserve Plans, Part II
The idea behind ending the independence of the Federal Reserve is brutally simple: deficit monetization.
The idea behind ending the independence of the Federal Reserve is brutally simple: deficit monetization.
The independence of the Federal Reserve is as essential as the independence of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The abdication of the college faculty from the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza has allowed virulent, openly anti-intellectual forces to hijack the protests.
At the start of 2024, there was a trend break on the market for sovereign debt that suggests investors may be asking a risk premium to buy U.S. government debt.
Joe Biden wants the ‘rich’ to pay their ‘fair share,’ but he never defines what the ‘fair share’ means. There is an ominous reason for that.
Bulgaria is on the cusp of joining the euro but has not yet set a firm accession date. They would be wise in waiting to give up their own currency.
If this odd change in the yield curve continues, it will turn into an open vote of no confidence in U.S. government debt.
We must never dismiss the threat of escalating government clampdowns on its political dissidents.
What looks like a mild recession on the surface could turn into something much more serious.
Why is it so hard for the ECB to admit that inflation is a monetary phenomenon?