Irish Comedy Writer the New Victim of Cancel Culture
Graham Linehan, creator of hit comedy series Father Ted, has had his career destroyed for stating his views on transgender issues.
Graham Linehan, creator of hit comedy series Father Ted, has had his career destroyed for stating his views on transgender issues.
A biological male’s recent victories in women’s tennis tournaments have been criticised by tennis great Martina Navratilova and sparked outrage with the public at large in the United States.
After statements condemning gender ideology, Pope Francis referred to several transgender people as “daughters of God” during a past meeting at the Vatican, appearing to confirm their chosen gender.
The powers-that-be dislike inherited forms, like the feminine woman and the masculine man, whose roles and relationships escape their control.
Ministers have been told they will have to change the law if they wish to prevent children from acting as though they are the opposite sex at school.
RN MP Julien Odoul likened allowing biological males who’ve ‘transitioned’ into transgender ‘women’ to “a form of legalized doping,” and argued it is a “real danger for women’s sport that simply aims to replace sportswomen with sportsmen.”
The retraction has proven as—or more—effective in not only spreading the findings of the study but proving that those who would cancel others are often the ones who are unethical and unscientific.
London police have re-opened an investigation into trans activist Sarah Jane Baker after a call to violence against feminists over the weekend from the former prisoner who was sentenced for kidnapping and attempted murder in the past.
A UK tribunal rejected calls from a transgender group to scrap the charity status of a gay and lesbian charity after a two-year-long battle over alleged “transphobia” in a historic case.
The case has sparked debate, with some arguing that housing transgender inmates with male genitalia in women’s prisons impinges upon the rights of female prisoners, while others contend that having them serve sentences in all-male prisons amounts to a human rights violation.