ECHR Upholds Italy’s Policy: One Mother & One Father on Birth Certificates
While some countries will issue birth certificates that feature two mothers or fathers, they are not recognised by countries like Italy, where surrogacy is illegal.
While some countries will issue birth certificates that feature two mothers or fathers, they are not recognised by countries like Italy, where surrogacy is illegal.
The new clinic will likely “employ the ideological ‘gender affirmative’ approach that led to diagnostic overshadowing at the Tavistock and put vulnerable children at risk,” the director of Transgender Trend told The European Conservative.
The UK is not the only European country to adopt a cautious approach to the sensitive issue of gender identity. Switzerland has also officially called for caution.
In the decision that it handed down, the district court stated that if the transgender inmate were to be transferred to a female prison he would pose a “not insignificant security risk for female inmates.”
To the death of the unborn, the elite class has added the mutilation of the immature, a new grotesque item for the list of their civilisational sins.
Long-term hormone therapy, for Łukasz Sakowski, caused serious and lasting psychological and physical damage, including the development of advanced osteoporosis at the age of 18.
Once our leaders accepted the premises of the LGBT movement to appease the activists, they stepped out onto the slippery slope they had mocked us for warning about. But many of them are simply cowards—and so here we are.
‘Misgendering’ transgender people is the ultimate crime in mainstream reporting. Except when they shoot up a Christian school, of course.
Adults will only need to self-declare their desire to legally transition, while teenagers will be able to take their parents to court if they oppose it.
The two self-described feminists are accused of “public provocations to hatred or violence” for insisting that the biological differences between men and women be recognised.