World Athletics Bans Transgender Women From Competitions
Before competing, DSD (Differences in Sex Development) athletes must take inhibitors or undergo surgery if their testosterone levels are too high.
Before competing, DSD (Differences in Sex Development) athletes must take inhibitors or undergo surgery if their testosterone levels are too high.
Having spent most of my life under the impression that the patriarchy is a myth, I think I’m beginning to see the light.
The actual number of ‘transgender’ people in many large EU countries is infinitesimally small; yet lobby groups bring about vast legal changes.
The question of gender, the Pontiff said, would dilute differences as it makes the world “the same, all dull, all alike, and that is contrary to the human vocation.”
Pope Francis’ 10th anniversary was heralded by news from the German Catholic Church that it will now be blessing same-sex couples.
The poll also reports a 14% decline in Sturgeon’s favorability following her resignation, rising only to 20% among SNP voters.
Spanish PM Pédro Sánchez pledged weeks ago to reform the ‘Only Yes is Yes Law,’ even against the opposition of his coalition partners, but nothing has been presented to parliament yet.
Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of Partido Popular, has pledged to repeal the law if his party wins December’s elections.
The study concluded that “where a service is installed and the transgender ideology begins to be publicised, more cases occur.”
Sturgeon described her decision as a longtime coming and not a reaction to recent events. She said her continued leadership would jeopardise prospects for Scottish independence.