Apologia Pro Vita Sua
I would rather be ostracized for the truth than hide in shame living a lie. I refuse to embrace an illiberal, totalitarian ‘liberalism’ based upon distorted versions of truth, justice, and history.
I would rather be ostracized for the truth than hide in shame living a lie. I refuse to embrace an illiberal, totalitarian ‘liberalism’ based upon distorted versions of truth, justice, and history.
Today, the cultural warfare is nothing if not asymmetric. History and culture are important enough to merit a lively debate, but the one-sided onslaught on everything from Western art to our national heroes, thunders Murray, should not be indulged for a moment longer.
It was not only the lost election which caused a shock in opposition circles, but also the knowledge that the progressivist approach makes their situation worse. The intellectual identity of this layer of the intelligentsia has received a big blow now, and this is what is ailing them, actually. They have much to think about: is it absolutely necessary to look down on people who think differently? Is it possible that progressivity, the core of their message, is no longer valid?
Conservatives, if they still go by that name, should not be bashful about re-asserting the university as a place of free thought and academic inquiry. If the prime minister wants to be taken seriously, he must guarantee that the bill immediately resumes its journey to the Queen’s desk.
My ‘microaggression’ was met with what might be deemed a ‘macroaggression.’ Whereas I was seeking no confrontation and sought not to make her or anyone else feel uncomfortable, she confronted me directly, specifically to make me feel uncomfortable—and she succeeded.
Once we have firmly established truth and beauty as the foundations of our educational efforts, we can start with undertaking the first and most difficult task in the educational adventure of making visible the hidden seed: character formation.
Oxford’s plan calls for the use of observers trained in EDI to participate in recruitment panels. This would give a decisive role to a new kind of political commissar, entirely disconnected from the essential principles of higher education: freedom of research and quality of knowledge transmission.
Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, has just announced that he would put an end to the public subsidy previously granted to the branch of Institut d’Etudes Politiques located in Grenoble due to its “ideological and communitarian drift.”
Nowadays, HR departments are focused on pursuing a ‘woke’ culture, dictating what staff can say or do or even think (or increasingly not), and introducing evidence-free, trendy but transient initiatives such as mandatory unconscious bias training, and ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’ courses.