Queen Ursula’s Crown Is Far From Secure
After 2024, Brussels elites stand exposed as no friends of democracy.
After 2024, Brussels elites stand exposed as no friends of democracy.
European Council moves the goalposts to more realistic expectations while Zelensky asks for one more year of support.
The Commission chief’s abuse of power will be an unofficial agenda item on the sidelines of Thursday’s EUCO, diplomats say.
With the situation in Syria uncertain and return migration being one of the EU’s top concerns, Erdoğan went from autocrat to Brussels’ ‘key ally’ overnight.
The Commission chief views early implementation of the Migration Pact as a “top priority,” despite conservative calls to scrap it completely.
Commission President accused of capitalizing on France’s government crisis to push unwanted free trade agreement.
“It appears the Commission under Ursula von der Leyen is the enemy within,” MEP Christine Anderson said after getting an evasive response to a formal inquiry.
Ideas called ‘far-right’ when proposed by conservatives go mainstream after Commission President changes her mind.
“Europe deserves better,” Patriots for Europe’s Kinga Gal commented.
The EU wants to make member-state funds conditional. This is a political bombshell that could wreak havoc on political diversity and national sovereignty.