British public life has by now been thoroughly colonised by leftist politics.
The sight of feminists cheering on stories grounded in violence against women will continue to expose the Left’s hypocrisy.
No conspiracy theory is as far-fetched as the idea that there are 72 genders.
It’s easy to be dismissive of late-night hosts and comedians, but that would be a mistake. Humor is a tremendously powerful weapon.
The further the elite pushes its contempt for the American working class, the more they feel morally entitled to stop Trump from returning to power. By any means necessary.
The blame for the Abortion Act 1967 lies with the elected government, not with the Queen.
Fears of war and food shortages raise questions about the future of food
In Western public discourse, the goodness or badness of a thing depends on who it helps, and whom it hurts.
No group has a right to be listened to by the government simply because it claims to represent a ‘community.’
The government has no life. It is logically amoral, and it lacks a soul.
When the Left wants to get something done, they work as a team and celebrate the victory of the small steps. Why can’t conservatives do the same?
In the face of Hamas’ heinous and well documented sex crimes, women’s organizations around the world have remained silent.
Abbott is black, female, and left-wing—which some clearly believe should afford her immunity not just from attack but also from critique.
‘Diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ have never been in such low water.
When the police devote their energy to explaining the nuance of words like ‘jihad’ and ‘intifada,’ something’s got to give.
Parliament uses the ‘rule of law’ to punish nonconformity.
Historic examples of the royal veto against legalizing abortion provide some hope for the future.
America’s lady diplomats fail to bend African strongmen to their will
The January 6th Committee created a political machine. One person stood to benefit more than any other if that machine had succeeded in taking Trump down.
Perhaps the time has come for Portugal to recover its lost memory, to restore dignity to thousands of forgotten victims, and to honour its heroes.
Our cultural guardians do not allow us to consider the role that voodoo plays in shaping how Haitians see the world and their place in it.
Anyone who chants “Ceasefire Now!” masks a very real insecurity about his own willingness to engage with the complex dynamics of world affairs.
There seems to be a uniparty consensus that state-funded wetnurses are the best way to raise children.
Around 25% of Gen Z in America now identify as LGBT, compared to 3% of the general population.
The EU financing of tyranny in Cuba has served only to embolden repression, say 87 parliamentarians from 17 countries in Europe and Latin America.
Although Anglo-Saxon liberty and individualism has been spread across the world, its presence is limited at home.
The legislation takes France further into the realm of “totalitarianism without the gulag.”
Many students in the UK don’t believe in free speech and are prepared to take action to silence others.
Western elites claim that the Right concocts “imagined invaders.” This could not be further from the truth.
The weaponisation of the Western financial system is being used to punish political dissidents—and the practise is spreading.