Canada’s most famous literary icon has been under attack by the usual assortment of leftist academics and radical activists.
The price the political class will pay for the Clapham acid attack will be proportionate to their betrayal of the British people on mass immigration.
The trends in Europe could benefit VOX, but it must channel voter enthusiasm into ballot-box victories.
“We have to stop punishing ourselves for considering things that once seemed crazy,” says Bret Weinstein.
The French government does not understand families and does not know how to propose appropriate solutions.
The EU elites are not about to give up this year’s elections without a dirty fight.
Many have long-since argued that the BBC is unfit for purpose, but this week’s diversity farrago takes the biscuit.
We Americans hate compromises. If we can’t get everything today, we invent a way to get everything tomorrow. That is why we love our trucks.
The very nature of the protest highlighted the fact that the farmers believe their backs are against the wall.
The political elite increasingly seeks to implement its own agenda—no matter what ordinary people want.
After years of tensions, European elites have entered into a personal crusade against Orbán; they want his head.
A now-delayed expansion would have increased euthanasia numbers dramatically.
Polyamory gives people who wish to cheat on their partners the language they need to justify it.
Spanish politics is unfolding like the plot of a spy novel, except that it’s all real.
Marine Le Pen distanced her party from the German right wing, but a break with the AfD could end up isolating the Rassemblement National in the European Parliament
The EU is virtually incapable of making rational decisions in line with its own long-term interests.
Brussels has taken of the gloves with a blackmail plan to destroy Hungary’s economy.
Zero-sum nationalisms remain the primary cause of interstate wars.
Is Prince William’s rumored lukewarm attitude to the Church of England just reflective of the population in general?
We must introduce young people to survivors while there is still time.
Many Republicans have declared Trump the presumptive winner of the Republican primaries. They may have spoken too soon. New Hampshire opened a victory path for Nikki Haley.
From Eagle Pass to Lampedusa: As goes the Rio Grande, so goes the Mediterranean?
The infamous influencer questioned the narrative that the Nazis were “bad guys.”
The progressive ivory tower of the EU is at risk of tumbling.
In wartime, countries depend not on ideological quotas but on fighting talent.
Trump trounced Haley in New Hampshire with an absolute majority of Republican votes.
The Armenians of Artsakh have endured ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan’s government and military.
A dreadful Trump-Biden match-up seems like old times for Louisiana voters
Online influencers play a key role in introducing transgender ideology to children.
DEI’s proponents are running out of straight white men to bash over the head.