Europe is the 3,000 years of history behind us, not a handful of officials and unelected functionaries of the European Commission telling nations how to behave.
For these MEPs, it’s only ‘democracy’ when they’re winning elections. Otherwise, democracy is ‘under attack.’
Between social values, patriotism, and the economy, U.S. conservatives will have to decide which issues matter most.
If a country cannot reject a decision imposed on it by other states, it is no longer free.
Education is the battlefield of a never-ending war between conservatives and progressives in France.
With almost 100 Christian churches attacked, Trudeau has yet to dedicate a single speech to the crisis.
Javier Milei made it clear that he will defend the most vulnerable in our societies.
Trump’s Iowa victory has reinforced his unshakable position in the headlines.
‘Hate speech’ is a legal misnomer for expressions that some people may find insulting, upsetting, or offensive.
Is the broadcaster jealous that ITV told the hard-hitting story it ignored?
South Africa’s government defends chants of ‘Kill the farmer!’ but insists that Israel is committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza.
The left-wing coalition government looks fatally wounded. But will a fractured Right replace it?
While the rest of the nation looked on in horror at the pro-Hamas marches, Corbyn sat back licking his lips.
To the shame of Europe, the International Court of Justice at The Hague is now the theatre for a staged political show trial.
Trump has consistently refused to take part in the debates, yet still comes out on top.
The moral corruption of the Vatican elites appears to have reached a new low with the revelations over a 1998 book written by Cardinal Fernández.
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
The neocon political machine has decided that Nikki Haley can defeat Donald Trump in the primaries. But does she really have a chance to do it?
It’s very easy to denigrate the memory of those who made our present blessings possible.
The pope’s ten predecessors knew that Marxism was radically incompatible with Catholicism.
Argentina’s new political cycle offers a window of opportunity for those who believe in truth, goodness, and beauty.
The collapse of history-teaching is eroding the foundations of France’s republican identity
History shows that we are unlikely to accept decline as a permanent state. If our current ruling class won’t stop it, sooner or later, majorities will clamor for someone who will.
As Chancellor, Rishi Sunak resisted increased spending on the migrant scheme and wanted to scrap it altogether when he became PM.
The European political class is so afraid of speaking honestly about the challenges of immigration that they are willing to gaslight their own citizens.
If I were the average Brit this Christmas, I might be calling for the suspension of all foreign aid until the economy can afford it.
To much popular outrage, Harvard announced that Gay will remain employed as a professor, apparently in good standing and at a salary of about $900,000 per year.
In response to the carnage, our leaders appear to agree on one thing: it’s best to lie.
Small town mayors, city councilmen, secretaries of state, governors … they are all in the same business: politics for profit.
If you invite the world, you inherit the world’s conflicts.