Following the elections, it will take some time for a new coalition government to be formed; until then, farmers ask for clarity from their leaders and, above all, hope for the future.
Replacing the wood used to preserve Camembert with plastic or cardboard is not just a matter of waste; it’s an issue of civilisation.
For the people most attached to the rallying cry, ‘diversity’ simply means ‘less white.’
Thousands and thousands of Spaniards are taking to the streets every night.
The Palestinian cause has become a fashionable pretext for all those who despise Western democracy.
Tucker Carlson emphasized the global collision between democracy and oligarchy, and the situation in Spain as indicative of where things are going.
Braverman blames failing politicians for sinking the ‘Rwanda Plan.’ Has she forgotten that, before Monday, she was high up among this group?
Jews in American academia seem to have been surprised by the recent wave of antisemitism. I would like to ask them and other American Jews four questions.
It is curious that there should be so much interest on Polish abortion law in the United States.
The ex-home secretary said Sunak lacks “the qualities of leadership that this country needs.”
Päivi Räsänen’s case illustrates that dangerously vague ‘hate speech’ laws will be abused by those in power.
The Tories are as liberal as they ever were. With Cameron back, some voters might actually stop falling for the party’s ‘conservative’ con.
If Pedro Sánchez needed the help of the devil himself in order to be in power, he would accept it without hesitation.
It is cruel to demand that women accept their own demotion and dehumanization to avoid offending the cross-dressers in charge.
You cannot indirectly call your core voters ‘racists’ by dismissing a popular home secretary, and expect there to be no repercussions at the ballot box.
French political life is divided by a demarcation line between a “camp of good” and a “camp of evil,” but today that line has moved.
Conservatives from Europe, the U.S., and India met in Belgrade to discuss how best to counter the global Left.
The unpopular exercise among the non-Trump candidates has been wearying.
The abortion setback in Ohio was a loss for conservatives, but there is a Christian silver lining in it. For us pro-lifers, there is a need for reckoning—and grounds for hope.
“This is not the time for parties, it is the time to put aside our differences to defend the nation.”
Trying to suppress views we find repugnant is no solution at all; banning something is not the same as defeating it.
The men who perished at Ypres and the Somme, the Scheldt and Arnhem, died defending a Christian civilization.
Francesca Albanese is all the rage on Italian TV as an anti-Israel pundit, but she is hiding her conflict of interest.
It is a superficially attractive position, but it’s hard to run a cohesive society on the basis of libertarianism.
The demonstrations against Pedro Sánchez are a true expression of Spanish patriotism.
Azerbaijan has driven Armenians out of their ancestral homeland.
We should stand with Israel against genocidal Islamists, and for Western civilisation against the forces of barbarism, old and new.
We have a fifth column in our midst. Now we see the true face of the enemy: radical Islam.
A now-sacked advisor led chants of “from the river to the sea.”
Israel’s President is right; if they lose, Europe’s next.