Men competing against women in chess would seem to be eminently sensible if the egalitarians truly believed their hype.
The deluded ranks who jump to the defence of thugs fail to understand that they are guilty of the most damaging class condescension.
Adam Smith once told a friend reassuringly, “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” He meant that nations have deep reserves that may not be visible in a crisis moment. But just how much ruin is there left in contemporary Britain?
Rather than trying to restrict the ownership of firearms, we should encourage it.
To evolve from libertarian icon to statesman, the Argentinian candidate needs to think beyond the material.
Imagine realizing that you failed to protect your child from medical quacks who amputated healthy body parts and left her mutilated for life.
Many popular parties in Europe do not want to challenge the status quo and will stoop to forming alliances with leftists. However, these parties fail to realize that by doing this, they are losing their conservative identity, their authority, and their voters.
Negativity, including the aestheticization of aggression, can serve as temperature shock, coaxing the culture into respecting the integrity of certain barriers.
A protest song calling out rich politicians for their indifference to the pain of working people has hit a nerve and topped the music charts, both in the U.S. & around the world.
Everything about this case stinks, and if the officers involved are not sacked alongside serious consequences higher up the police food chain, this will be a missed opportunity to get the force back on track.
This third party promotes ‘Unity’ and promises to solve problems. In reality, they are walking backwards into the future, focusing their political energy on one thing, and one thing only.
In history, there are disputes over interpretation, but there are also things that can be said, and others that cannot. By lumping Napoleon in with Stalin and Hitler, Ridley Scott has crossed a red line.
The most basic inspection of the facts leads one to the conclusion that every cog in the immigration wheel is either milking the system, or at the very least working against the interests of the British people.
The latest indictment against Trump makes it look as if President Biden, like President Putin, is trying to silence a political opponent. If one of them is a totalitarian, isn’t the other as well?
As bemusing as it is to imagine Boris Johnson scratching his head over Barbie, I was pleased to see him pick out the challenge to modernity nestled amongst the bubblegum pink hues: “[Barbieland] has children, but no babies. It is a parable about the destiny of humanity.”
Those who have no sympathy for the rural community or its fieldsports should nonetheless express extreme indignation at banks freezing accounts or suspending services because they dislike the opinions or activities of their clients.
Religious freedom was repeatedly violated during COVID. Yet it is essential for everyone—not only for people of faith. It enables all people to live according to their conscience, regardless of their religious convictions.
His supporters love Trump not for what he has done or failed to do. They love him because he is hated by the same people who hate them.
Has the U.S. government had direct contact with aliens?
While a PP voter is the closest thing to a VOX voter, a PP leader—at least Feijóo—is the closest thing to a PSOE leader.
Young girls are told to shut their mouths and check their bigotry when they wonder aloud why they are being forced to change with biological men.
Proponents of same-sex partnership bizarrely argue that refusal to legalise it amounts to taking sides with Russia and the Kremlin in the war against Ukraine.
The CIA and its puppet organizations exert a powerful influence on what we see, hear, and believe in the global public sphere. Perhaps we should start to question our ‘reality.’
Everything points to Spain being Europe’s Venezuela, and the government will ultimately be chosen by all of Spain’s enemies.
If Anjem Choudary is convicted of terror charges, anything other than a life sentence will be risible. It’s high time our government got serious on the issue of radical Islam.
The thing Prime Minister Orbán did not say, but easily could have, is that the West is quite decadent, and in civilizational decline by almost any measure.
One cannot dodge the conclusion that the Labour Party is happy to gloss over serious allegations of misconduct, in order to use the Muslim voting block to gain power.
When movie critics across mainstream media dismiss Sound of Freedom in unison, and when they are so quick to associate it with QAnon, I am left wondering if this movie and that conspiracy theory hit too close to home for their comfort.
On a global scale, it is estimated more than 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution; 20% of these oppressed believers are located in Asia. Are these victims of any importance to the European Union?
These populist parties are rising in popularity because the established parties of both left and right have sold out the interests of their peoples.