In refusing the Cross, we are given the rainbow. Nevertheless, in taking to heart all the proud gifts of June our fathers left us, we may in time deserve to regain the pride they had.
This year, ‘pride’ activists in Italy have focused more on attacking Meloni’s government than on celebrating the LGBT community.
Should Germany follow through with its censorship policies, a legal clash will be inevitable. But for now, the right to pray and gather peacefully has been affirmed.
For all its talk of rule of law and democracy, the EU appears determined to ‘fix’ its broken migration system by politically punishing the very countries that have done the most to prevent the problem. Later this week, we’ll find out how European leaders who disagree with this process intend to push back.
Colombia’s business class used to believe that workers had dignity, that not every action should be cost efficient and paid for, and that, while being profitable was indeed a constant concern and priority, it was not the sole mission of a corporation.
The conservative tendency to leave the public square and the realm of art—the mural—blank for someone else to paint on has done society no favours.
The populist Right in charge of Austria for the first time ever? Communists in parliament? It’s not just a hypothetical: it’s currently the most likely scenario for 2024.
Christians, conservatives, and all those who do not fall into line with the dominant lines of culture should seize this moment and make works of art that are informed by tradition.
Poland very much feels like a country that’s accelerating towards the awful competition of ideologies that has engulfed the rest of the West.
Time may yet tell what Prigozhin was thinking when he launched his insurrection. But he probably did not expect it to end with his flight from the country, the loss of his militia, and extreme personal vulnerability to Putin’s vindictive hand.
A Braverman than most, the UK’s home secretary has called upon Britain’s 43 police forces to “ramp up” their use of stop and search in order to “save more lives,” a decision for which she deserves to be commended.
What is national identity? An experience of a nation, its history, its personalities, its reputation, self-esteem, and the vision it has for its future.
Americans for Tax Reform have a new spending reform project. Will it work? Is it ‘conservative enough’? We have the analysis.
The Swedish Right’s criticism of immigration is largely rooted in a concern that the population influx and lack of societal integration will threaten social safety nets.
If one’s intention is to dominate the other, it is inconvenient for him to come to the negotiation table with a definite position and personality. Better to convince him that he has no definite identity.
Degrowthers want to slow down the global social and economic ‘metabolism’ by prioritising human need as the purpose for production instead of growing GDP.
Experts analysed what led to last year’s U.S. court decision that struck down abortion on demand.
The values of Tolkien’s world are not those of moral relativism, but those of the traditional Christian conception of courtship and romantic loyalty, in which the intimate aspects of love are treated with discretion and respect that protects their nobility.
The history of early June is steeped in violence.
At last, we’re talking about one of our own. At last, this counter-society that we laboriously try to preserve against the ill winds of progressivism is enjoying the limelight.
One day, a government official will announce that the stories are indeed true: his government has for decades been in possession of alien vessels and alien technology. That day will mark the beginning of the galactic era for humanity.
The European Commission’s proposal to require member states to recognize surrogacy as an acceptable form of parenthood disregards the best interest of children and fails to uphold the principle of subsidiarity.
With an ideologically aggressive president, and with the states becoming more and more dependent on money from the federal government, the table is set for fiscal blackmail of conservative states. First out: abortion laws.
Men are a particular object of contempt, often branded as ‘toxic’ if they refuse to bow to ‘wokeism.’ Ironically, we are desperately in need of good men who live in accordance with traditional ideas of virtue and chivalry–especially as loving and present fathers.
‘Wokeism,’ the current battering ram at the door of conservative values, might have arisen from elite schools and universities in prosperous countries, but this does not explain why it spread with the ferocity that it clearly did.
In Lawrence’s poetry, we catch a glimpse of how exactly the lordship of the machine is instituted: not with guns at the door, but on the altar of our worship.
It is evident that the prospect of closer ties with France is very much on China’s radar—and understandably so, France’s trust would be an immeasurable boon to the extension of China’s influence through Europe and the curtailing of the U.S.’s influence.
In Nottingham, the police have just been granted an extra 36 hours to question the suspect—that should give us all the chance to start singing “Don’t look back in anger,” before any anger has the bad taste to show itself.
In recent months, Trump has blamed social conservatives for Republicans’ weak performance in the 2022 midterm elections. Why should they continue to support him?
Perhaps no one has been more instrumental in the shift of political culture away from impartiality and fairness and towards arbitrary power than Boris Johnson himself.