Farage has officially gone public with his intention to re-enter the fray. Whatever else might be said about him, his track record of leading insurgencies is second to none.
Meloni hopes to strengthen Italy’s executive branch in order to bring stability to a country that has struggled for several decades.
It might seem a stretch for the EU to claim to be defending democracy by denying the right of sovereign nations to decide their own policies. But in Brussels doublespeak, ‘democracy’ can now mean its opposite.
Those of us who believe that England was built on Christian foundations must look at the current situation with a ruthless honesty. With faith and hope, yes, but certainly not with optimism.
Orbán’s refusal to simply prostrate himself before the foreign policy diktats of the Brussels and Washington elite is inextricable from his understanding of the liberal international order in general.
The European Court of Human Rights has refrained from engaging in the ideological game orchestrated by feminist advocates campaigning for unlimited abortion.
There is a practice in the affairs of government as old as government itself: diversion politics. When a political leader is under scrutiny for missteps or failed leadership, it is a good time to create a distraction.
Those of us committed to fighting back against the ‘woke’ must come to terms with the fact that only Christianity is potent enough to defeat the cult of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Non-believers need not convert, but it is time for us to get out of the way.
Stabbing innocent people is not cowardice; cowardice is sacrificing the nation’s children, rather than face the reality of your own lunatic immigration policies.
Spain’s administrative elections signify that the electorate has totally rejected Pedro Sánchez and his socialist government.
‘Offence archaeologists’ seek ways either to be offended themselves or to seek offence for others, where none exists.
During COVID, Western nations did the unthinkable by banning religious gatherings and services. Many states deemed ‘inessential’ what all believers consider most essential: the act of gathering together to worship God.
Like Johnson himself, his resignation honours were outsized. In May, calls came for Johnson’s list to be scrapped altogether.
Liz Cheney will not be able to navigate an entire presidential campaign without at some point deciding if she wants to protect women or those who think they are women.
The Chartres pilgrimage raises legitimate questions that the prelates cannot shirk.
Their arguments on Brexit are, after more than half a decade, tired; but I would struggle to argue that some of the points being repeated over and over inside the conference were any less spent.
The EU’s decision, abusing the law in the name of the rule of law, is nothing short of Orwellian and will have dramatic consequences for students.
In a rare victory for freedom of speech, it is gratifying that the Oxford Union stood by its guns and allowed the address to go ahead.
“Maybe it is not too late to wake up and save the EU economy from another unbearable burden with the worst possible timing.” —Enikő Győri
Malta’s pro-life movement is battling in defence of the youngest and most vulnerable members of their society, and it is an inspiring thing to see.
After 13 years of Tory governments pledging to cut immigration while presiding over record numbers, Rishi Sunak has expressed his “clear view” that entrance into Britain “must be controlled.”
The manifestly anti-democratic nature of such a decision, and the exclusion of tens of millions of European citizens who would thus be deprived of their country’s six-month presidency, is not even raised in the Meijers Committee report.
At a recent panel, co-sponsored by The European Conservative, speakers noted that to counteract Brussels’ progressive dogma, Europeans must unite around Christianity as a shared source of moral understanding and cultural heritage.
Today, Donald Trump is far ahead in the opinion polls for the 2024 Republican presidential candidate. But Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, and others will make sure that there is no such thing as an inevitable frontrunner.
If the electorate had not already done so, it must now accept the reality: the Conservative Party is the party of uncontrolled immigration and it has lied to us, of that there can be no doubt.
The EU’s messianic reflex is all the more worrying considering that Brussels recently acquired a formidable weapon with imprecise contours: financial conditionality.
After being accused of taking too many private flights, Michel wants to buy carbon credits to fly even more. Because Europeans care more about pollution than their taxes being spent unnecessarily, right?
“We cannot establish numbers [of immigrants to be received], as this will depend on the needs of Spain’s labour market,” said the Spanish PM.
Why were speaking slots given to representatives of the party that has done the most to stab conservatives in the back? Why did no one kick up a fuss?
Many intelligentsia are chillingly comfortable with their post-Christian conclusions and are enthusiastic about leaving the sanctity of human life in favor of infanticide.