In Europe, the eco-‘woke’ movement is nowhere as strong as it is in Berlin. But after a nepotism scandal was exposed, Germany’s Greens have gone on the defense.
Fundamentally, the core of the problem is the EU’s adherence to the precautionary principle, which comes with a deeply unscientific intolerance for any risk.
The twin issues of legalised abortion and legalised euthanasia, two sides of the same coin, have proved to be the most slippery of slippery slopes and the thinnest edges of very short wedges.
When a false ideology seeks to conquer reality, it has to pretend words are more real than the actual things they (supposedly) refer to.
Trump is the Republican frontrunner for 2024. He has a lot going for himself, but at the end of the day, can he win?
The one question that Christianity-hating MEP Malin Björk does not want to ask is: what would replace Western society if she got what she wanted? A new Soviet Union? An Islamic caliphate? In which of these would Malin Björk be treated better than in the very Western society for which she has such deep disdain?
This Conservative government will be remembered for locking down its own people while flinging the borders wide open—an asymmetric view of ‘free movement’ if ever there was one.
The summit, the third of its kind, saw conservative youth leaders from parties on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean zero in on key topics like the importance of cooperation between Rightist forces across the globe, the pressing need to retake key institutions controlled by the globalist liberal-left, immigration, and national sovereignty.
It is clear that not only are liberal administrations and activists foisting unnecessary early sexualisation on children, overarching levers of power, like the WHO, are also hell bent on doing so.
We haven’t diagnosed ‘woke’ properly. We should recognise it for what it is: an expression of a very deep and noble religious need, a need that has been neglected and mistreated in contemporary British society.
Instead of adopting inclusive writing, we might consider learning a language without gendered grammar, like Hungarian—or Farsi—as options.
Stop letting yourself be blackmailed. Stop neutering your worldview by adopting a slowed-down version of another ideology’s program.
With all the heads of state legitimizing the Ukraine Charter, it should be regarded as the West’s collective program towards Ukraine, both during the war and beyond.
What happens if we find out that the current U.S. president is so corrupt that he has compromised the integrity of his own government—and maybe even the very security of his own country?
This episode proves once again that rules ‘do not apply’ to those who have made progressive provocation their profession.
“I didn’t even look in the mirror to say goodbye to myself. I didn’t care. I wanted to be blind.”
Erdoğan’s election defeat would likely be celebrated in Europe, even if it means the end of the EU-Turkey refugee deal, after which new ways will have to be found to keep migration in check.
To the death of the unborn, the elite class has added the mutilation of the immature, a new grotesque item for the list of their civilisational sins.
Whatever its flaws, Hazony’s National Conservatism is an earnest attempt to foster a serious conversation about what human flourishing looks like.
No matter how much King Charles tried to diversify, it was clear he was going to trip up at some point. And as is so often the way in drama, the denouement of the balcony scene served as his undoing. You could almost hear the media scream “where is the diversity?”
Speaking to attendees, a consistent through-line may be identified in the visceral rejection of an elite project seeking to concentrate power through radical social atomization and the promotion of weak-souled hedonism.
To support entrepreneurship, policymakers should make business-friendly reforms, encourage integration of a common European market, and remove barriers to entrepreneurship in female-dominated fields.
From normalizing Assad, to reconciling with Hamas, to restoring Saudi Arabian-Iranian relations, the Near East is experiencing a thorough diplomatic re-alignment.
If the CCP has its way, China will soon be much more than a “near Arctic state.” It will be an Arctic superpower.
The irony of non-slaves seeking to profit from ancestral slavery via those who were never slave owners is difficult to ignore.
Speaking of the need among some people to repeat the mistakes of the past: the saga of Bud Light and its recent public-relations disaster is being amended with another chapter.
If capitalism were to fall, and if the socialists got to replace it with a system of their choosing, everything else that is dear to conservatives would fall as well.
It was not Brexiteers who misled UK voters over the forward march of an EU army.
Tucker Carlson, like Burke, Maistre, and Donoso, sees the political struggle as, at root, a religious struggle. And, like St. Augustine, he sees that this struggle is one of good and evil.
Tensions between Southeast Asia and the European Union seem to be on the rise.