It is not activists’ sincere belief in the harm caused by ‘wrong words’ that is the problem, but their ill-founded hubris—their self-assumed role of holy avengers bringing the world to the ‘right side of history.’
Those working for online delivery platforms such as Uber Eats, Amazon Flex, or Deliveroo have seen their income drop dramatically without substantially improving their working conditions since Spain’s Rider Law went into effect in September 2021.
The transformative and hope-filled message of Good Friday is that our hate can be “turned to pity, and our pity to love.”
With a Tory party currently more socialist than conservative, optimism is a dangerous vice for right-of-centre voters. But if anything can be done to reduce child sexual exploitation, it should be welcomed with open arms.
Young men deserve much better than bad science and bad advice. Myths are no substitution for reality.
Last week, von der Leyen said of China: “The story of our relationship is not yet written, and it need not be defensive.” Her visit to China begins today.
The right to freedom of religion and belief, enshrined in international law, includes the right to manifest one’s belief both in private and public. It is not for politicians or the government to dictate what words we direct toward God or to interpret religious scripture.
The problem with legal unification in Europe is that it follows an agenda marketed as the protection of ‘European values.’ The question is: what are these values and who decides them?
Finnish neutrality began as a geopolitical necessity, but can finally be left behind in exchange for a more united future.
A populist revolt is now our best hope of defending the true European values of democracy and national sovereignty.
The fact that he is overseeing the Synod on Synodality has led the world to suppose that the direction it is taking is also what Cardinal Hollerich wants. Possibly, but not necessarily.
In order for France to live up to its pillars of liberté, égalité and fraternité, it must confront the rising tide of antisemitism.
The attempted classification of rape as a ‘non-emergency’ would be shocking in any Western democracy; but in 21st-century Britain, the home of Magna Carta, it now appears the right to justice is too much to ask.
The Trump indictment puts the spotlight on a very disturbing trend in American politics: the slow transition of a constitutional republic into a totalitarian state.
“I urge you, on behalf of the children who cannot defend their own rights, to reject the Certificate of Parenthood.”
Let’s take Finnish MP Räsänen’s words to heart: “Now it is time to speak. Because the more we are silent, the narrower the space for freedom of speech and religion grows.”
‘Misgendering’ transgender people is the ultimate crime in mainstream reporting. Except when they shoot up a Christian school, of course.
It appears Meloni is hoping to take advantage of the leadership vacuum created after the end of the Merkel era to create a new center-right alliance that can lead the Right to a large majority in the 2024 European elections.
Fully one year on, intellectuals are yet to make a decisive appearance to alter the course of the conflict.
The restoration work will have been an undertaking on a totally unprecedented scale—a material experience, but also a spiritual one, of which our contemporary era offers few examples.
Cities that allow the most destructive of human behavior to take over the public space are cities where civilized life as we know it is being marginalized and forced to give way to social fragmentation. Dignity yields to savagery.
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce must have presented quite a challenge for the officers: a lone, middle-aged Catholic woman, armed with a double-barrelled surname, silently thinking forbidden thoughts.
Gisèle Halimi fits in quite perfectly with the progressive political agenda, uniting the feminist with the decolonial struggle: an excellent marker of the political neuroses of our time.
Anti-terrorism preventative unit faces backlash after ludicrous categorization of Christian and conservative classics.
Even if the government has not been overthrown and the pension law is automatically adopted, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne now suffers from a severe lack of legitimacy.
“Chega is right-wing, but of a non-conservative type. … the bottom line is that we need a real conservative party in Portugal. There is none right now.”
Sturgeon is not a Scottish nationalist but a Cultural Marxist, for which the tell-tale sign is an active contempt for traditional society, as expressed in the ‘three Fs’ of faith, flag, and family.
VOX’s no-confidence motion to oust PM Pedro Sánchez amounts to little more than a gimmick.
The U.S. won the battle in Georgia; the American government and globalist Western NGOs will continue to spend tens of billions of dollars each year interfering in Georgia and other nations.
Having spent most of my life under the impression that the patriarchy is a myth, I think I’m beginning to see the light.