What could have been a local news item has taken on the scale of a national scandal and revived a long-lasting controversy: can killing a child in the womb of its mother be considered homicide?
What more can the declining European Church do to assist the rising African Church to bolster the long-term future of Christendom?
A governor and ambassador, Nikki Haley is very experienced. But what makes her stand out in a potential field of remarkable competitors for the presidency?
In the war currently underway in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon, all blows—even low ones— seem to be allowed.
If we truly respect our students and hope they will develop into adults capable of mature exchange of ideas, we must ensure that campuses are open spaces for discussion. Anything less is infantilization.
If you stand for everything, you stand for nothing. An ‘inclusive’ Church is a building without roof or doors—it serves no purpose. If the Anglican Church wishes to survive, it would do well to nip this non-binary nonsense in the bud.
The Spanish case is a perfect example of how the identitarian Left works in the real world: its feminism does not defend women, but attacks them in order to sell an electoral slogan.
As national security trumps individual freedom, Sweden will curtail freedom of speech piecemeal, like death from a thousand cuts.
The latest Vanity Fair photo shoot points to the darker occult roots of the entertainment industry.
Seemingly weeks away from an historic peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Moscow has derailed the process—strengthening its hand—without a shot being fired.
Chega is preparing to govern, but it won’t happen under just any circumstances.
“The powerful players in the world are increasingly collaborating to impose a top-down vision of the future on everyone,” Peterson says. His initiative aims to put humanity in the center once again.
If they wish to be governing forces like in Hungary and Israel, conservatives must not mind being hated.
Three think tanks, three ideas for fiscal reform. Only one can be right.
The EU, in the hands of its current pilots, has become an ideological trap—political blackmail clumsily disguised in technocratic euphemisms.
In the end, the long-awaited ‘break’ with previous Italian governments did not happen. Will Meloni be able to attract right-wing voters in the next election under these circumstances?
Peterson’s enemies try to silence him: the latest attempt comes from the Ontario College of Psychologists, who have ordered him to undergo social media ‘re-education,’ or risk suspension of his licence to practice as a clinical psychologist.
If the open-air killing of a clergyman by an Islamist doesn’t prompt a reckoning, it’s hard to see what will.
When the Russian Ball was founded during the Cold War, many Russians in Washington who attended came from the first wave of émigrés who had fled the Revolution to become patriotic Americans fighting against the communist terror that had seized their country.
For liberal elites, the boundary between one country and another is as arbitrary as the difference between a man and a woman.
The nude form is regarded by conservatives, not as pornographic, but as a manifestation of beauty, innocence, and our divine origins. This applies to its representation in Romeo and Juliet, the story of an innocent love crushed by the wicked vanities of a corrupt society.
What should concern us, is the fact that government is trying to artificially reduce income differences, and in doing so is artificially expanding differences in wealth.
Why this obsession on the part of Brussels officials with making the citizens of old Europe eat insects? Not a concerted ideological plan, but proof of a rootless globalist way of thinking that takes on unexpected aspects: in the age of happy globalisation, if it’s done elsewhere, why not here?
Predictably, this week’s Australia Day celebrations were mired by protest. There were calls, not just to change the date of ‘Invasion Day’ or ‘Survival Day’ as the rebrands have it, but to abolish the ‘Celebration of genocide’ altogether.
It is of course impossible to gauge what proportion of the BBC’s diversity quota is allocated for returning jihadis, but what is clear from Begum’s series is that the current thinking at Broadcasting House is that it’s “best to be ahead of the game.”
As for the agenda of those who seek to profit from suffering and misery thanks to their high political and media connections, we must wake up before it is too late.
Much like the Communists of the early 20th century, the Scottish government aspires to completely transform society—whether people like it or not.
The well-organised financial network behind the seemingly haphazard and sporadic activism is shocking even to politicians.
The shift in our society has been imposed from the outside. A cocktail of involuntary impositions and the cowardice of our leaders have rendered swathes of Britain unrecognisable.
Netflix teams preferred to skip over Hidalgo’s Paris in order to better sell the dream, because the international community does not fantasise about the ecological and sustainable work of the socialist clique in power.