The modern media environment is less and less informing and entertaining, and more and more ‘re-educating.’ It wants us to question and then reject the instincts which have served us well for millennia. It wants us to doubt our own eyes and ears.
The new enclosures and ‘fourth industrial revolution’—with its counterfeit morality, its saccharine pseudo-ethical appeals to inclusivity and saving the planet—may not need a large force, but they do need a disciplined, dependent population.
There was no ‘crash’ of the pound. The big rate increase by the Federal Reserve simply created an irresistible opportunity for investors to make some good money, and do it safely.
For the Italians, there is no ‘fascism’ attached to Giorgia Meloni. Her coalition is centre-right, full stop. On the other side of the Alps, the repeated use of the word ‘fascist’ dispenses with any nuanced analysis; few articles actually look at Meloni’s programme.
It is time to break the unproductive loop between impatience, single-issue rejection of remarkable candidates, and the political status quo. The NatCon Statement of Principles is a first, major step in that direction.
Like radicals in all corners of the world, instead of celebrating a leader and iconic figure, the government chose to make politics of the monarchy which has always stayed above the fray of politics.
A conservative system of benefits protects citizens from destitution, but to succeed, the definition of poverty needs to be overhauled. The Heritage Foundation is moving in this direction, and their ideas could positively impact European welfare policy.
If nationalism engenders a sense of loyalty and devotion as it did in the case of John Paul II, it might be worth asking, to whom (or what) are those who have no sense of loyalty or devotion to their nation devoted?
Those at the conference were urged to embrace “disruptive conservatism” rooted in Christianity and the sovereign nation—a kind of conservatism that presently is not recognized by the ruling elites.
The challenge facing Fratelli d’Italia is to successfully transform itself into a genuine governing party. Since its creation, it has always been in opposition; it is precisely for this reason that it is now attracting attention, as it appears to be a credible alternative.
From its seat of power in Strasbourg, the EU Parliament seeks to punish Hungary’s clear election victory and will use financial blackmail to do it.
The continuing war will plunge Europeans into a brutal winter, while Russia profits.
Despite differences in their aesthetic grooves, the ‘Ultra MAGA’ Trumpist Republicans of CPAC and the DeSantis-leaning National Conservatives have plenty in common in terms of what they oppose, and what they would prefer to see supplant the current order.
The letter’s vision of universality tries to argue for the nation as an important element of a universal moral and ethical vision, but by skipping over the nation entirely when it describes the common good rising from families to the international realm, it reveals its bias against it.
The Greek government has the cost of its current debt under control. However, what gives cause to worry is its soon-to-come need to build up new debt.
Today, the unitary ideal is dead, and factionalism is baked into any serious understanding of British politics.
The defenders of human dignity are clenching their teeth at the implacable scenario unfolding before their eyes. It is written, euthanasia will pass. For the moment, the vast majority of the French political class is silent on the matter.
In an analysis of the Ukrainian army’s counterattack, I discuss its use of an ancient eastern battle tactic in a way never seen in Europe before—and its strategic use of mistakes made by a careless Russian leadership.
When a currency depreciates, it can lead to a self-reinforcing outflow of capital—especially when the depreciation is unprecedented. The euro has never been this weak against the dollar.
Patriotism and the attachment to national products are not the only reason American giants have failed in Italy. The local offer persists, because it is genuinely superior in every way to the foreign offer, and marketing snobbery is not enough to overcome this obstacle.
Conservatives have tended to mistake politicians touting ‘individualism’ and ‘economic liberalism’ for champions against ‘wokism.’ Madrid’s Díaz Ayuso is a clear example.
We should be fueled by a smart and hopeful attitude. It is no coincidence that hope is one of the three theological virtues in Christian tradition. It teaches us that however difficult our circumstances are, we must never fall into despair.
At the EU level, environmental policies are mostly being continued as if there were no Russian invasion of Ukraine or large-scale energy crisis.
While it is correct that a recession is defined by two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, it is not correct that the American GDP declined two quarters in a row. Unfortunately, all the economists and analysts who made the recession call were wrong.
Universalism is forced to coexist with diversity and inclusion; one has to agree that patriarchy, aristocracy and capitalism were evil unless they are not white. But deeper divides force progressives to either keep their eyes shut or risk becoming the oppressors.
Out of caution not to be seen as inflicting “racist stereotypes” upon consumers or purveying material rife with “cultural appropriation,” German publisher Ravensburger anticipates canceling Winnetou as part of its future offerings.
24 February 2022 will be a dark date written in the annals of world history.
In June, we published the Statement of Principles. We hoped it would elicit discussion and debate. This letter is what we hope is the first in a series of commentaries on the topic. The signatories say, “In its list of ideals — ‘patriotism and courage, honor and loyalty, religion and wisdom, congregation and family, man and woman, the sabbath and the sacred, and reason and justice’—no mention was made of friendship, compassion, or love.”
If the U.S., or the UK, purport to keep wielding the holy swords of justice, they should do so with reasonable foresight in order that their actions do not end up making messy local realities even messier.
The Pope’s trip to Kazakhstan opens a window of opportunity to have the ear of a man whose influence on the Kremlin is unparalleled.