We may trace the beginning of Latin American poverty and economic subordination to Bolivar’s policy of garnering support by indebting his embryonic state.
The Three Kings represent the truth-seekers of the earth, the rulers of the ‘pagan’ realm, the lands which had not yet seen God but were nonetheless expecting the coming of the Lord.
It’s obvious Proust knew a great deal about art and architecture and music; he was a keen observer of human behavior, but he can take a moment and turn it into an eternity.
Russia and China conceive of the emerging multipolar world in different ways despite their substantial convergence in opposition to Western unipolarity.
Pope Benedict’s expansive mind formed me in the humane habits of awareness that harmonise the intellect and the affectivity of the heart with the culture and civilisation that is our proper inheritance.
Why was Bangha remembered by the Jewish press as an ‘enemy of racism’ if his papers were full of anti-Semitism in the early 1920s? The answer seems to lie in his understanding of the role of Catholicism in public life.
The modern mind, which reduces everything to a means—a mere apparatus of use—subordinates even God to such a perverse conception of reality.
The issue of sexual degradation, around which #MeToo centers, has stirred something in the modern woman’s heart and compelled her to come face-to-face with the simple reality that she is the prisoner of a culture obsessed with unbounded sexual freedom.
The democratic statesman must subordinate his own interests to the good of his fellow citizens and foster the temporal political common good, which is not separated from the common good in the fullest sense: God.
“… you never can think what a good place Heaven is, without knowing who He was and what He did.” —Charles Dickens, from The Life of Our Lord
We possess a blindness that impedes our ability to see ourselves as God sees us. To break through this dilemma, we must faithfully seek out what lies just beyond our vista.
Let’s avoid being too Christmassy until the Eve itself. But then, let our joy break out for the twelve days, and keep them as well as we can—enjoying whatever observances proper to them we can attend, through the Epiphany.
All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost.
The most important distinction now runs between globalists and protectionists. The continuing reference to the old Left to Right coordinate system hinders us in our search for a middle ground between the local and the global.
The renewed obsession with the minutiae of Tolkien’s work gives me an excuse to revisit my favorite bit of Tolkien trivia: that the Polish king’s great victory was the inspiration for Tolkien’s Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Against the transhumanist prophecy of plastic genderlessness, let us recover our own ideal for a future populated by the same righteous exemplars as the best of our past.
From O’Brien’s perspective, Christian civilization and the Church are failing in critical ways, inducing a sense of collective kenosis, and the temptation to social despair. The raw pain of collective suffering puts supernatural hope to the test.
Left-wing memory tinkerers hate the Sacré Coeur because they believe it was built over the corpses of the revolutionaries killed during the Commune. The Sacré Cœur became for them the symbol of oppression.
The Golden Bull was fundamental to Hungary’s constitutional system and a guarantee of the nation’s sovereignty. On its 800th anniversary, we should commemorate the patriotic statesman, Cletus, bishop of Eger, who gave Hungarians such a noble gift.
In May 2018, Ireland’s pro-life movement suffered a devastating defeat, but they are rallying, dedicated to the legacy of defiance that is so uniquely Irish. Their story deserves to be told, and I hope I have done it justice.
For today’s conservatives enduring the assaults of the constant neo-Jacobin revolution of today, the adventures of Manfred Arcane are seductively reactionary.
Indeed, why should a policy of unlimited free trade and ‘small government’ per se be conservative?
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?
In Paris, despite Anne Hidalgo’s efforts, there are still traditions that resist, and on every street corner you can acquire, for the modest sum of one euro and a few cents, a piece of happiness and eternity.
What we see in the world of artifice—on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook—is the substitution of the person with a manufactured icon; a shallow image reflected back in the clear pool.
Natsume’s works that wrestled with themes such as sin and responsibility are indebted to his experiences with Christianity.
Advent’s “O Antiphons,” like the snow, return annually, always fresh. They call us to renew the faith that animates Europe’s beating heart.
Defeating the pandemic became a matter of national pride, and the wishes, freedoms, and even the lives of individuals become secondary to that aim. Almost anything was permitted—including brutality in pursuit of the aim of winning the fight.
Without the safeguards of law, freedom would be no blessing. Our societies would be Hobbesian in the true sense: liberty would give way to nightmarish anarchy.
To label one’s opponents as ‘antidemocratic’ may make rhetorical sense, but if the values held as sacred have no foundation besides being considered so by the majority, they will inevitably fail when significant minorities beg to differ.