Viotti manages to strike a brilliant balance between infectious virtuosity and musical depth.
Falling in love with Christianity is unlikely to strengthen anyone’s faith in the ultimate value of our liberal heritage.
“When I went into journalism … it was revealed to me that I had a very poor understanding of what the world was really like.”
In praise of a snobbery that strives to elevate others and rejoice in their aesthetic successes.
The House of Terror Museum challenges the leftists’ monopoly over the past, the present, and—ultimately—the future.
Fifteen years ago, we had no diagnosis for Europe’s illness. Today we do.
The vitalistic rhetoric of market competition is always balanced against ‘small-town values’ by the American Right.
Do not hurry by the cross on your way to Easter joy, for we know the risen Lord only through Christ and him crucified.
The Incarnation of the Eternal Logos in Jesus Christ is the great pivotal repudiation of the reign of false spirits in history.
Care for our communities is born out of a love for them that begins in the home.
The West’s reach is dwindling, and its goal of spreading liberalism is failing.
Mainstream reporting is shaped by the degree of political servility in the countries concerned.
Let us avoid talk of a ‘culture war’ when what we are engaged in is nothing less than a lethal spiritual conflict.
The Inklings expressed interest in ancient mythologies that described the creation of the world through music.
Scottish conservative nationalism is a reaction to the ‘progressive’ politics of the Scottish Government.
There are a few cheese-related lessons to be learned from the misadventures of Roquefort and Camembert for us human beings.
Whenever they had power, Marxists persecuted Christians. Now, thanks to subtle propaganda, they have reappeared with the same ideas in a state of apparently unsullied ideology.
The real tragedy of the red pillers is that they peddle a chronically limited view of masculinity as its pinnacle.
There is no conservative tradition in Scotland that is not self-consciously anti-nationalist.
The litany of defeats and errors would make you think the football team was cursed. Maybe they are.
Platz argued that only through cultural and spiritual renewal could the West recover its lost solidarity.
Elites are turning on their own ‘core demographic’—even as Western working and middle classes are being pushed into rebellion.
His methods of learning, known as ‘critical pedagogy,’ are now ubiquitous in teachers’ training, making Freire one of the most influential men you’ve never heard of.
Warsaw’s tragic past gives it a unique character: a refusal to abandon the ideal of peace.
Hermes, the traditional god of commerce, has now also become the god of globalism.
A consequence of Pergolesi’s posthumous fame: publishers sold works by other composers under Pergolesi’s commercially attractive name.
We must recover a society suffused with the wonder that nourishes the soul.
We are facing the possible tragedy of Europe’s demographic transformation into little more than the northernmost outpost of Islam—a tragedy which Pope Francis seems all too happy to embrace.
Lenin created one of the most brutal, destructive, and barbaric totalitarian regimes ever.
The founder of Western philosophy was persecuted by the oligarchy-sponsored anti-family egalitarian atheism of his day.