Without the Idea of the Good, Lloyd P. Gerson argues, a person cannot argue coherently against materialism, relativism, skepticism, mechanism, and nominalism.
Sebastian Morello and writer Mary Harrington explore the consequences of new technologies for the ways we think and shape our world, the ‘doomerist’ worldview, and the possibility of ‘rewilding sex.’
Discussion just before the Dutch elections with Forum for Democracy’s second-in-command about the culture war, censorship, and how the youth is shifting the Netherlands to the Right—just after the party leader was attacked by Antifa.
The Dutch MP sat down with us to discuss what’s at stake in Wednesday’s election.
“The revolution in 1848 argued that national self-determination was the foundation of liberal democracy. The EU violates that. At some point, some countries will stand up and say, I’ll do without your money because I’m going to lose it anyway to the Germans.”
At BBB, we try to work from common sense and to see seats and polls not as a goal but as the result of our efforts.
False Hispanism is based on totally unhinged ideologies ranging from toxic nationalism to Stalinist communism.
“After this research I had a much more visceral, almost literal, sense of religion and religious practice.”
In this episode of ‘In Search of Europe,’ our series on the history of European thought and philosophy, host Karl Gustel Wärnberg talks with Ferenc Hörcher, a political philosopher and philosopher of art.
“We want a society of free and authentic people, just, safe, and orderly.”
“The internet isolates us. It allows us a godlike freedom to curate our sense of reality. Community flourishes when people have to rely not just on themselves but on each other to make sense of life.”
Migrants are exploited by mafias politically allied with the Left, and then used to create a conflict situation in the destination countries.
“Many of us want a government that stands first and foremost, and above all else, for Czech interests.”
In this episode of “Occasional Dialogues,” Kurt Hofer interviews Glenn Ellmers. They discuss Ellmers’ new book, populism, political philosophy, and the need for a muscular Christianity instead of “liberalism with hymnals.”
There are those who are proud of their country and want it to prosper, and the globalists who do not want borders.
FROM THE FALL 2023 PRINT EDITION: Although it is not an element that appears explicitly, the idea of Hispanidad was at the centre of Jaime Guzmán’s political thought.
“This is a clash of civilizations, and those who are coming into Europe really want to combat our civilization.”
Assimilation is a utopian idea. As we have seen throughout Europe, it simply does not happen.
“If PiS does win, the Visegrád alliance which has been dormant since the outbreak of war in Ukraine could revive to the benefit of conservatives in Central Europe.”
Everyone’s life has been changed by Moscow’s atrocities.
“A lot of these new populist parties which are now on the rise throughout Europe do not have enough of an ideological background to be successful.”
Sebastian Morello meets King’s College philosophy professor in the second episode of our documentary series, “Symposia.”