“It’s civil servants running the county at the minute. With the politicians being out of office, the health service is way behind with operations and cancer treatments. It’s all because they can’t agree, and it all comes down to Orange (Protestants) and Green (Catholics).”
“We saw a need to create a solid, professional national conservative party.”
“We really can’t imagine the world without the drama of Jesus and Pilate,” the author said, exploring the ripple effects of history’s most influential trial.
The best weapon for dealing with decline is integration into a community that offers an alternative to the artificiality and isolation that are increasingly affecting younger generations.
A symptom of the French penchant to riot or part of a broader collapse of the Fifth Republic? The European Conservative speaks to a participant of recent anti-Macron pension demonstrations to examine the movement’s causes, character, and future.
Whatever happens to Trump, he will continue to have that catalytic effect on the awakening of most Americans that the old republic simply doesn’t exist anymore, and we have to find a new path forward.
The greatest risk is that all human reproduction will be put in the hands of technology—that would be the end of the human being.
In this episode of “Occasional Dialogues,” Juan García-Gallardo, a rising star in VOX, talks about the challenges of coalition governments, revitalization of rural areas, EU policies affecting Castilla y León, and how he jumped from a successful law career into a top position in politics.
The freedom we have experienced in recent decades to decide for ourselves when, where, and how we get around will no longer be affordable for many people.
American conservatives can take heart in how [Hungary has] been able to articulate a foreign and domestic policy that resonates with the people.
“Ukraine is currently fighting for the whole of Europe. Ukraine’s victory in the war is as important to us as it is to Ukrainians themselves. Ukraine must not fall, because then no country in Europe will be able to feel safe.”—Edvards Ratnieks
“What I mean by ‘cyborg theocracy’ is the moral and political order which emerges from the belief that we are most emancipated when our condition of freedom is underwritten by technology.”
“I want to encourage Christians with a history of our spiritual ancestors who did not flinch from professing their faith, even in an increasingly atheist society.”—Rev. Matthew Heise
Reconquête embodies the civilizational Right. We are attached to traditions, civil and economic liberties, and the protection of the French people and our identity. We represent a classical conservatism capable of facing contemporary challenges.
“We are totally opposed to the so-called Franco-German agreement, which is nothing more than an ultimatum to recognise the state of Kosovo.”
“The real goal of gender ideology is not equality but to bring chaos to the states.”
We must fight on all fronts; reinvest in and renew fields that have been neglected: culture, the arts, media, etc. The reconquest of our countries depends above all on the reconquest of our minds.
Behind the statistics are real people who suffer the consequences of geopolitical maneuvers, calculations, and miscalculations out of their control.
We want an Italy that is a great nation among great nations, that regains possession of its identity, and that is involved on a European and global level.
Once Christianity faced off with modernity, says Chantal Delsol, the handwriting was on the wall. And even though a handful of elites deluded themselves into believing in the future of atheism, most people need gods—and soon the old gods began to creep back in.
Winston Marshall is enjoying his newfound freedom. Through longform podcast conversations with thinkers, writers, and pundits, he’s finally sharing his views and speaking out on the causes he cares about.