“Ukraine is currently fighting for the whole of Europe. Ukraine’s victory in the war is as important to us as it is to Ukrainians themselves. Ukraine must not fall, because then no country in Europe will be able to feel safe.”—Edvards Ratnieks
“What I mean by ‘cyborg theocracy’ is the moral and political order which emerges from the belief that we are most emancipated when our condition of freedom is underwritten by technology.”
“I want to encourage Christians with a history of our spiritual ancestors who did not flinch from professing their faith, even in an increasingly atheist society.”—Rev. Matthew Heise
Reconquête embodies the civilizational Right. We are attached to traditions, civil and economic liberties, and the protection of the French people and our identity. We represent a classical conservatism capable of facing contemporary challenges.
“We are totally opposed to the so-called Franco-German agreement, which is nothing more than an ultimatum to recognise the state of Kosovo.”
“The real goal of gender ideology is not equality but to bring chaos to the states.”
We must fight on all fronts; reinvest in and renew fields that have been neglected: culture, the arts, media, etc. The reconquest of our countries depends above all on the reconquest of our minds.
Behind the statistics are real people who suffer the consequences of geopolitical maneuvers, calculations, and miscalculations out of their control.
We want an Italy that is a great nation among great nations, that regains possession of its identity, and that is involved on a European and global level.
Once Christianity faced off with modernity, says Chantal Delsol, the handwriting was on the wall. And even though a handful of elites deluded themselves into believing in the future of atheism, most people need gods—and soon the old gods began to creep back in.
Winston Marshall is enjoying his newfound freedom. Through longform podcast conversations with thinkers, writers, and pundits, he’s finally sharing his views and speaking out on the causes he cares about.
Most of us do not have a great deal of agency when it comes to defining public policies. But we all have a calling to care for the vulnerable, to work for the good of our neighbor, and to fulfill our various vocations.
The Left uses the same strategy throughout Ibero-America. Their parties have permanent connections, share information, and operate as a single organization with the same homeland: communism. Leftist leaders are more loyal to the communist project than to their peoples.
Left-wing activists hate us no matter what we do or say. They want us gone. We must therefore stop trying to please our enemies. Not only is it useless, but this attitude leads us to compromise and the loss of our principles.
In this episode of “Occasional Dialogues,” two philosophers sit down to discuss martial arts and their place in society, their relation to virtue, and how faith can relate to the combative spirit.
Michael Rectenwald discusses what conservatives, libertarians, those on the Right, and free thinkers in general can do to stand up to an ever-encroaching ideological totalitarianism that is attempting to complete its “long march” and cement its position in society via the Great Reset.
In this episode of our “Occasional Dialogues” series, Harrison Pitt sits down with Yoram Hazony to discuss the state of British politics and whether Hazony’s national conservatism movement might be able to breathe new life into an ailing, directionless Tory Party.
The idea of a Europe in which Germany and France have a privileged position does not make sense to Meloni or to Italian conservatives—nor does one that considers countries like Hungary and Poland second-class members.
It is a privilege to be alive at this time, carrying the torch of tradition through the darkness. Those who are seeking the light will see it, rejoice in it, and follow it.
At Bleiburg, the communists eliminated those they saw as their real opponents, their ‘class enemies’: the bourgeois, businessmen, clergymen, and all those who might oppose the new communist regime.
In this episode of our ‘Occasional Dialogues’ series, Kurt Hofer interviews historian Claire Rydell Arcenas, the author of America’s Philosopher: John Locke in American Intellectual Life. They discuss the impetus behind writing the book, Locke’s place in contemporary political life, and the ‘New Right’ critiques of Locke.