In this episode of our ‘Occasional Dialogues’ series, Alvino-Mario Fantini interviews Jason Miller of GETTR about the prospects for conservative media in Europe.
We Estonians know from our own historical experience what happens when we make concessions to Russia.
“There didn’t seem to be an option where a woman could be consecrated and dedicate her life of evangelical chastity to the service of God and the Church in the context of a local church—then I realised that the vocation of consecrated virginity fills that gap.”
In the second in our ‘Occasional Dialogues’ series, Harrison Pitt interviews Peter Hitchens about the Russia-Ukraine war.
“The Germans want European solidarity, and solidarity always means, euphemistically, that I am poor, so I am taking something from you.”— Roland Tichy, founding editor of Tichys Einblick
The implication of the postmodern social constructivist view of knowledge is that the teacher, at best, has nothing substantial to offer and, at worst, is engaged in some form of oppression of students. When school systems adopt the latter view, it is logical that the social status of teachers is eroded.
In the first in our ‘Occasional Dialogues’ series, Harrison Pitt interviews Yoram Hazony about his new book, Conservatism: A Rediscovery.
Even a cursory look at history reveals that the concept of Catalan identity as separate from Spanish identity is a modern invention: “The Spanish region now known as Catalonia was part of the historical unity of Spain for more than a millennium before the term Catalonia existed.”
“It’s not particularly about COVID, but about recognizing the patterns we are creating. I think that is the main topic in the film: people need to start seeing the patterns and recognize how they are being copied with every new global threat.”—Marijn Poels
“The reason for the leak, I think, was a last-ditch attempt to generate enough pressure on the justices to force them to reverse themselves. If that kind of pressure succeeds, what will that mean for America?”—Joseph Meaney
“I think conspiracy theories are proliferating because we can all feel the ground shifting under our feet but have no easy way to understand and make sense of that feeling of chaos.”—N.S. Lyons
We are facing a progressive mafia engaged in the manipulation of entire populations using a pseudo-religion in which more and more Westerners believe and are ready to deploy all forms of violence to impose. Poland should not step back anymore, not by an inch.
It was not only the lost election which caused a shock in opposition circles, but also the knowledge that the progressivist approach makes their situation worse. The intellectual identity of this layer of the intelligentsia has received a big blow now, and this is what is ailing them, actually. They have much to think about: is it absolutely necessary to look down on people who think differently? Is it possible that progressivity, the core of their message, is no longer valid?
“Tolkien’s understanding of creativity is that God gives us the things out of which to create. The clay, the leaves, the words, even the language. And we use those to make things by arranging them into new combinations. But in one sense, all of those combinations are possibilities already present in the mind of God. And Tolkien believed we would go on to do that in Heaven.”—Alison Milbank
To see people practising martial arts and attending the Tridentine Mass in the morning, and, in the evening, enjoying local cuisine, loudly singing old French songs, and joyously talking about the future is something I will never forget—and I wish, perhaps in vain, that it could be repeated throughout Europe.
“As long as our contemporaries have not been made to understand once again that without saints there are no heroes, we will be condemned to fall.”—Jacques de Guillebon
“When you are in London or New York, you are increasingly and constantly fighting in a very negative and hostile environment. It’s refreshing to come to Hungary and not to have to deal with that.”—Peter Whittle
“Children should be educated in greatness, not only in integrity. They must learn to do that which is great, and not only that which is right.” —Alexandre Dianine-Havard
“As an American citizen, I can’t wrap my mind around this, how people who share the same faith—because Russia is predominantly Orthodox, and Ukraine is predominantly Orthodox—could be so evil to each other. But then, we have to think about Cain and Abel, he killed his brother, so, nothing new under the sun, unfortunately,” Rev. Tomson said.
INTERVIEW Many have noted that the COVID-19 pandemic did not make things worse so much as simply accelerate existing trends.
“I believe in France; I dedicate every second of my life to the happiness of the French people, who are the top priority in all my battles.”—French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen