“Fear of risk, an exaggerated love of safety or health, are pathologies that threaten the very virtues necessary for civilizational and cultural survival”—Ted McAllister
I would argue that we are more convincing conservatives than the Conservative Party, who haven’t conserved anything. Their record is abysmal.
“No adult group escapes the eye of Them Before Us. It is an organization that insists that all adults—single, married, gay, and straight—all sacrifice for children. No adult gets a pass. Every adult has to do the hard things, so that children’s rights are protected.”—Katy Faust
In a recent interview Viktor Orbán urged European politicians to work towards peace in Ukraine by using “strategic calm: to speak sparingly, but then to speak precisely and responsibly.”
“This tragedy has proven that Ukraine was right to fear what they foresaw as inevitable, sending the message to the world continuously since 2014: Russia will stop at nothing.”—Dr. Csilla Fedinec
“Euthanasia is confused with palliative care, it is called ‘dignified death’ and it is assumed to be a medical act, when it is not. [This becomes] deception when the law requires that deaths by euthanasia be considered natural deaths from a legal point of view. Something that, in addition to not being true, makes it difficult to control.”—Manuel Martínez-Sellés
“I think France mustn’t be afraid to make her voice heard. For too long we have repeatedly gone along with EU chimeras instead of defending our nation.”—French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour
The main objective of this conference is to facilitate an awareness that could be summarised in the following phrase from Isaiah: If you do not stand firm in your faith, you shall not stand at all.
If we want to convince the Pope of the merits of the traditional Mass, it is essential to share our experience. La Voie Romaine is also an opportunity for us to express, for ourselves and for others, the reasons for our attachment.
In the wake of the Anglican Church’s move to phase out the parish system, an informal group called Save the Parish is asserting the importance of local worship and of retaining sacred places set aside for devotion.
“The United States has failed to support the Cuban people’s cries for freedom by refusing to denounce the Cuban regime as illegitimate.” — Rosa María Payá Acevedo
“I never thought that citing the Bible and agreeing with it could be criminal.” — Päivi Räsänen
“My ‘North Star’ is certainly the Christian and Catholic culture, with the huge cultural output that it has produced.” — Dr. Massimo Gandolfini
Tim Stanley is often seen as a ‘moderate’ conservative, but in his new book, he argues convincingly that the moral confusion and historical amnesia of the West can be traced back to the loss of an understanding of the place of tradition in society.
Edoardo Albert has done a magnificent job of giving us men of flesh, blood, and bone. The Northumbrian Thrones trilogy is a historical and literary achievement.
Must liberalism be leveled completely by the New Right, so that a new conservative edifice may emerge from its ruins? Or must the meaning of liberalism be reclaimed for the Right and from the historiographical distortions of the progressive Left? Haivry and Hazony, Deneen, and Legutko appear to answer in the affirmative. However, a compelling alternate view is offered by Spanish philosophy professor and politician Francisco José Contreras.
For decades political parties called themselves ‘Christian’ and felt obliged to defend those values. Nowadays in Germany, only the AfD remains in this tradition.
“I believe strongly in the right of individuals to elect whether to accept or reject medical procedures. I believe this is basically the sanctity of life, that individuals have the right to control their own bodies.”
“Anyone who says nationalism isn’t too bad is now labeled far-right,” says Nicolaus Fest MEP (AfD), speaking about the upcoming elections and the political realities of Germany.
It’s time for something different. It’s time we were more courageous and firmer on matters of principle—like the dignity of human life, like national sovereignty, like sexual morality. It’s time we stood our ground without flinching. Perhaps then we will finally see some real change—and help save what remains of our civilization.
“We’re in either a collapse or a massive transformation culturally in the West,” Paul Kingsnorth tells me cheerfully from his