The European Central Bank has cut interest rates again, and the Federal Reserve may follow. With inflation rising in both regions, these rate cuts must stop.
The Swedish economy is in no way ready to pay for a government-forced workweek reduction.
Contrary to what crypto asset proponents seem to believe, there are firm limits to what cryptos can do for us.
The national Right’s censure of Barnier’s budget is not an irresponsible whim. It is the logical sanction of a bankrupt policy obstinately pursued by corrupt ruling elites for 50 years.
A shrinking economy means less tax revenue for the German government. The solution is simple but requires a lot of political courage. Does the Bundestag have that?
“I am now 70 years old, 35 years in the East, 35 years in politics, apparently two lives … and the second half cannot be understood without the first.”
Modern Monetary Theory is one of the most destructive economic theories ever invented. Its critics have failed to understand it. This needs to change.
The RN blames the president for the present political crisis.
While the Biden administration ignored it, BRICS countries devised a plan to undermine the dollar. Trump has vowed to oppose de-dollarization, but can he stop it?
Drug trafficking, Islamic terrorism, and electoral fraud are exports of the Venezuelan regime.
Conservatives must stop ceding important policy matters. The growing debate over social benefits is a key opportunity to engage and influence the outcome.
The Commission’s economic outlook is a depressing read. But with some hard work, the EU economy can tap into its unleashed economic potential.
Scott Bessent’s ideas of what the U.S. economy needs reveal a broad understanding of macroeconomics.
Antisemitism fuels an alliance that dreams of importing the intifada to France.
The poisonous effects of the Cuban regime extend far beyond its shores. Brussels must take action.
Less money is spent on forming Europe’s economic future, and the outlook is even worse.
Trump’s new efficiency-focused operation has already made a big media splash. But their ambitions and their numbers don’t add up.
We may be witnessing the first signs of a major America-bound exodus of investment capital from Europe.
Olaf Scholz’s government fell on a stumbling block that was placed in his way by none other than Angela Merkel.
A legitimate concern is that governments will go back to money printing as a way to fund their deficits. Central bank rate cuts encourage this.
By doubling down on the proxy war against Russia, NATO is dragging us closer and closer towards the nuclear threshold.
Recommendations from the EU Council play a much bigger role in shaping national law than they should.
Europe should expect a mix of positive and negative effects from a Trump presidency. With a little luck, the positive effects will outweigh the negative ones.
Although the central bank president makes some salient points, they do not add up to the really big reason why Europe keeps falling economically behind America.
Often seen as a gamble, bitcoin could combat poverty and support a transition to an ecologically conservationist economy.
This is quite possibly the worst case I have seen of statistical malpractice by a reputable statistics agency.
While proposing fiscal austerity, the Labour government hopes to revive the British economy. For a number of reasons, this will not work.
Interest rates continue to decline in Europe, but investors should be aware. The calm in the markets today could precipitate a storm tomorrow.
Under the guise of appeasement, the war against the traditionalists continues unabated.
Britain’s Home Office has worked with the College of Policing to criminalise private thoughts and conversations.