The recent elections now seem pointless. A small oligarchy self-confident of its worth has seized power.
Fear not the stock market. Fear politicians who use its drama as a pretext to do stupid things to the economy.
The veteran EU politician, known as a pragmatic technocrat, could be Rome’s best chance to secure the budget portfolio in the next EU Commission.
Pakistan has become an Islamic hell for Christians.
The solution to the Venezuelan crisis is to dismiss the narratives spread by the Sao Paulo Forum and to recognise Edmundo González as president-elect.
The Federal Reserve faces market pressure to cut rates in September, while the ECB is expected to cut rates shortly before the Fed’s meeting.
Two prominent American politicians want to get the government deeply involved in bitcoin. That does not bode well, either for bitcoin or for the government.
Restoring the ‘rule of law’ by turning a country into a banana republic—if this is not a systemic lie, I do not know what is.
For corporations encouraging egg freezing, childlessness is the point.
While most other Western leaders are the blind leading the blind, Orbán focuses on the future with unmatched clarity.
Not even Spain, the growth leader, is building anything for the future. How much worse can this get?
U.S. debt passes a sad milestone. But the situation is not much better in Europe.
Despite solid current numbers for the U.S. economy, red flags are pointing to a recession in the third quarter—just in time for the November election.
I hope Vance will prove to be a leader not merely of consensus, but one with the courage of his convictions.
Once donor countries begin proactively vetting recipients, they can ensure that their aid activities align with their foreign policy.
The Left uses an ingenious rhetorical strategy to win—one the Right can and should adopt.
So far, there are no signs of a U.S. recession. But how certain can we really be that no downturn is coming?
Economic theory does not recognize ‘structural inflation.’ This is too bad, because it is very likely the main reason why European inflation remains higher than it should be.
Economic stability benefits as interest rates outpace inflation in the U.S. and the euro zone.
In Argentina and abroad, Javier Milei is being recognised for strong—and, so far, successful—economic leadership.
After a month of negotiations, there’s a new government of national unity in South Africa. But will it work?
Costa’s cowardice and lack of scruples could lead him to normalise extremist policies without a thought.
Structural spending reform replaces today’s welfare state with basic but dignified benefits to those who by no fault of their own are unemployed.
The actions of the International Criminal Court incentivize the Palestinians to continue their zero-sum stance towards the conflict.
Reckless government spending is going to provoke more fiscal austerity in Europe. There is no right way to do austerity. Here is why.
Despite repeatedly yielding to Azerbaijan with American encouragement, Armenia has not yet received security guarantees from America.
The efforts of the Left and centre to keep Le Pen’s RN out of government would leave France in the rut of immigration, insecurity, and loss of self-confidence.
Inflation varies wildly across the euro zone. Economists have not yet been able to explain why; here is my hypothesis.
For two big reasons, there is still no sight of lower interest rates for Americans.
In its quest for a utopian multicultural society, the EU denies the fundamental differences that exist between cultures.