At the start of 2024, there was a trend break on the market for sovereign debt that suggests investors may be asking a risk premium to buy U.S. government debt.
Joe Biden wants the ‘rich’ to pay their ‘fair share,’ but he never defines what the ‘fair share’ means. There is an ominous reason for that.
Bulgaria is on the cusp of joining the euro but has not yet set a firm accession date. They would be wise in waiting to give up their own currency.
At the very least, the ECR and ID groups will need to work more closely together to counter the “federalist” forces in the European Parliament.
If this odd change in the yield curve continues, it will turn into an open vote of no confidence in U.S. government debt.
As in the endless disputes between brothers and sisters, we end up forgetting who started it and who said what.
What looks like a mild recession on the surface could turn into something much more serious.
Why is it so hard for the ECB to admit that inflation is a monetary phenomenon?
Buried in a pile of technical data are pieces of information that suggest investors are getting seriously worried about the growing pile of U.S. debt.
There are many pundits out there having opinions on inflation. But what do the latest figures really mean? Is inflation here to stay?
The problem in Europe and America is not that the free-market economy is too big. The problem is that the free-market economy is not big enough.
Three independent sources criticize the free-market system. Two of them are from the U.S. government. What is going on here?
The U.S. economy is doing well, but the slowly growing uneasiness on the market for federal government debt could easily grow into a problem big enough to derail it.
On some social issues, Dignitas Infinita reaffirms the Church’s traditional teaching in clear terms.
The European Commission has plans to go after Italy for its excessive budget deficit. There is no real reason for them to do this, and the timing is very bad.
The West is in a death spiral—but with the cooperation of confident, patriotic nations, there may be a way to turn that around.
EU member states must decide between prioritizing reduced ‘inequality’ or increased economic growth.
This welfare-state reform is perhaps too radical for many. However, it is designed to solve a radical problem, and radical problems require radical solutions.
There is only one way that Congress can permanently end its budget deficits. Here is how to get the job done.
Twenty years later, the 2004 Madrid train bombing remains central to understanding Spanish polarization and geopolitical irrelevance.
In 2023, the federal government borrowed $2.5 trillion. So far this year, things are only getting worse.
“LGBTQI” Spaniards are now being invited to register for priority status within the government’s job placement scheme.
Ideological inconsistency and obsession with respectability have prevented follow-through on conservative convictions.
Legal experts mostly agree that the law is unconstitutional, and opposition leader Feijóo has stated he would repeal it once in power.
The national French statistics office has released new numbers on government debt. Everybody debates those numbers, but has anyone actually read them?
A combination of ominous economic forces beyond the control of the government will make minced meat of Sweden’s euro-skeptic holdouts.
The U.S. Congress has ignored the budget deficit for decades. Debt investors have almost run out of patience. Will Congress address the problem—or continue to play for time?
Donald Tusk has accused the National Bank of Poland of manipulating interest rates to help his predecessor win last year’s election. Here is ample proof that Tusk has no case.
The prospect for lower interest rates in Europe is fading, but the reason has nothing to do with the European economy. The reason is found on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Economists have failed to explain Europe’s economic stagnation. Here is an explanation they have not considered.