Morocco Recalls Ambassador from Tunisia
Morocco and Tunisia recall ambassadors following Tunisian invitation to Western Saharan leader Brahim Ghal.
Morocco and Tunisia recall ambassadors following Tunisian invitation to Western Saharan leader Brahim Ghal.
Francis’ coterie of cardinals is known to largely agree with his vision of a more ‘progressive’ and ‘inclusive’ Church.
Ukrainian forces are in the stage of shaping operations to push back against Russian occupation in the south.
Germany’s gas levy was meant to help large energy providers in financial distress, but after learning that successful companies who continue to make billions of profits applied for support as well, the levy will be reworked.
The Bible recommends that kings be anointed after the conquest of their realm. Institutions are not to be founded in the throes of a crisis, which would result in their legitimising themselves through that crisis and so perpetuating it.
24 February 2022 will be a dark date written in the annals of world history.
Some 30 high profile SPD politicians, including MPs, MEPs, mayors, state chairmen, and members of state parliament, signed the letter.
In June, we published the Statement of Principles. We hoped it would elicit discussion and debate. This letter is what we hope is the first in a series of commentaries on the topic. The signatories say, “In its list of ideals — ‘patriotism and courage, honor and loyalty, religion and wisdom, congregation and family, man and woman, the sabbath and the sacred, and reason and justice’—no mention was made of friendship, compassion, or love.”
Actor Shia LaBeouf credits experiencing the Latin Mass as a major contributing factor to his conversion to Catholicism. Left-wing media is fuming while issuing a last warning about the “deeply toxic” environment LaBeouf is getting himself into.
The development of a synthetic mouse embryo from stem cells to the stage of developing organs raises hopes among the scientific community that the time for such experiments with human embryos is near.
Ukrainian forces are in the stage of shaping operations to push back against Russian occupation in the south.
Germany’s gas levy was meant to help large energy providers in financial distress, but after learning that successful companies who continue to make billions of profits applied for support as well, the levy will be reworked.
The Bible recommends that kings be anointed after the conquest of their realm. Institutions are not to be founded in the throes of a crisis, which would result in their legitimising themselves through that crisis and so perpetuating it.
24 February 2022 will be a dark date written in the annals of world history.
Some 30 high profile SPD politicians, including MPs, MEPs, mayors, state chairmen, and members of state parliament, signed the letter.
In June, we published the Statement of Principles. We hoped it would elicit discussion and debate. This letter is what we hope is the first in a series of commentaries on the topic. The signatories say, “In its list of ideals — ‘patriotism and courage, honor and loyalty, religion and wisdom, congregation and family, man and woman, the sabbath and the sacred, and reason and justice’—no mention was made of friendship, compassion, or love.”
Actor Shia LaBeouf credits experiencing the Latin Mass as a major contributing factor to his conversion to Catholicism. Left-wing media is fuming while issuing a last warning about the “deeply toxic” environment LaBeouf is getting himself into.
The development of a synthetic mouse embryo from stem cells to the stage of developing organs raises hopes among the scientific community that the time for such experiments with human embryos is near.
Kosovo wants to apply for membership in the EU, the Council of Europe, and NATO, but not all EU members recognize Kosovarian independence, which will be an obstacle hard to overcome.
The announcement comes only days before PM Boris Johnson’s successor is announced. Johnson has thus far undertaken little action in resolving the crisis, leaving this farrago for the next prime minister to untangle instead.
If the U.S., or the UK, purport to keep wielding the holy swords of justice, they should do so with reasonable foresight in order that their actions do not end up making messy local realities even messier.
In the past year, alone, energy prices in France and Germany have increased by more than 1000%.