Ukrainian Author Receives Peace Prize of the German Book Trade
The Ukrainian author Serhiy Zhadan received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. Lauded for his “unequivocal humanitarian stance,” he warned against a “peace without justice.”
The Ukrainian author Serhiy Zhadan received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. Lauded for his “unequivocal humanitarian stance,” he warned against a “peace without justice.”
Pension and entitlement claims of Eurocrats climbed to a 122.6 billion euros at the end of 2021, a six billion increase compared to the total amount recorded at the end of 2020.
Meloni’s government has turned the page on COVID-19: as of November 1st, the obligation to wear masks in hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres will be over.
The chief inspector for the Central Police Station in the city of Valencia, Ricardo Ferris, has been fired after publicly stating that “practically all street crime is committed by illegal immigrants.”
Ukraine’s push for €500 million a month from Germany for rebuilding efforts is clashing with the reality of a German economy in rapid decline. German social democrats are considering taxing the rich to pay for reconstruction.
Locals have pulled back the curtain on the false promises of wind and solar, telling the dirty secrets of supposedly clean and green energy, and doing their best to form a democratic shield against technocrats and capitalists from Madrid to Brussels.
The Ukrainian author Serhiy Zhadan received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. Lauded for his “unequivocal humanitarian stance,” he warned against a “peace without justice.”
Pension and entitlement claims of Eurocrats climbed to a 122.6 billion euros at the end of 2021, a six billion increase compared to the total amount recorded at the end of 2020.
Meloni’s government has turned the page on COVID-19: as of November 1st, the obligation to wear masks in hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres will be over.
The chief inspector for the Central Police Station in the city of Valencia, Ricardo Ferris, has been fired after publicly stating that “practically all street crime is committed by illegal immigrants.”
Ukraine’s push for €500 million a month from Germany for rebuilding efforts is clashing with the reality of a German economy in rapid decline. German social democrats are considering taxing the rich to pay for reconstruction.
Locals have pulled back the curtain on the false promises of wind and solar, telling the dirty secrets of supposedly clean and green energy, and doing their best to form a democratic shield against technocrats and capitalists from Madrid to Brussels.