U.S. Men Seek Sterilisation After Abortion Restrictions
The rise in vasectomies in light of abortion restrictions betrays the lie that women were never pressured by men, even subtly, to have abortions.
The rise in vasectomies in light of abortion restrictions betrays the lie that women were never pressured by men, even subtly, to have abortions.
A tweet from Rumble’s own Twitter account noted that acceding to the French government’s demand would go against Rumble’s mission to “restore a free and open internet.”
Intellectual adventure is not available to bees, who simply do as they do in obedience to their limited nature. The hive may be a place of cohesion, but it contains no libraries, paintings, or statues to heroic bees of the past. Human life without the humanities would be much the same: cut off from our roots, deprived of meditation, and locked in an eternal now. The cult of relevance makes prisoners of us all.
Support for Meloni’s national-conservative Fratelli d’Italia (FdI) party has jumped to nearly 30%, an all time high, according to the latest polls.
MiG fighters, equipped to carry nuclear warheads, are settled in Belarus as part of the ‘regional military grouping.’ The threat this poses to Europe should be taken very seriously.
The enemy advocates for a borderless world, free of family loyalty, religion, identity—anything that might obstruct a pliable global marketplace.
Discussions about COVID-19, vaccine efficacy, racial issues, withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, and involvement in Ukraine were targeted.
Its financial backers include the Open Society Foundations (OSF), the Rockefeller Foundation, Freedom House, which is financed by the U.S. government, as well as liberal Silicon Valley tech giants like Facebook and Google
The incident comes as tensions between Serbia and Kosovo have ratcheted up in recent months.
Sweden has actively opposed nuclear weapons within its borders since signing the UN-negotiated Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 1968.