U.S. Loses Track of Weapons in Ukraine
Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that an audit would be aimed at establishing to what extent “the U.S. aid is ending up in the wrong hands.”
Incoming House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that an audit would be aimed at establishing to what extent “the U.S. aid is ending up in the wrong hands.”
The group of individuals allegedly planned to storm the Reichstag building and seize power.
Neoconservatism is an ideology that consists of two things: a Scandinavian-style welfare state for domestic policy, and a Pax Americana doctrine for foreign policy.
Thus far this year, the EU’s border force said they detected almost 130,000 irregular border crossings on all Western Balkan routes.
The PKK and YPG operate in Syria along the Turkish border and have been linked to the November 13th terrorist attack in Istanbul.
President Macron’s polemical viewpoint aroused indignation in the East but reminds us of an objective reality: Russia will not give in easily on issues that are deemed crucial to its security.
This isn’t the first attack to have been carried out by asylum seekers staying at the housing facility in Illerkirchberg. In 2019, a 14-year-old girl from the community was gang raped by four military-aged asylum seekers from Iraq and Afghanistan on Halloween night.
The game is not completely played in advance. Ciotti and Retailleau have in common that they both assume a conservative right-wing discourse, but each in their own way.
International bodies estimate the number of dead in ongoing protests exceeds 400.
A year out from a general election in Spain and the political vitriol is running high.
Despite its negative opinion on the payment of aid to Hungary, the European Commission alone does not have the power to decide on such a sanction.
“We are not in favor of this because we do not want the European Union to become a community of indebted states instead of a community of cooperating member states,” Prime Minister Orbán said.
Crowter’s case is the first challenge to the UK abortion law as discriminatory towards those with disabilities.
It is easy to distinguish and denounce a full-blown dictatorship, one that haunts, censures, and kills thousands. It is less straightforward to spot a soft dictatorship in an EU candidate country.
The FvD quickly moved to plug the unfortunate leak that made over 92,000 members’ data public. Cyber attacks are suspected and a forensic investigation has been launched.
The father of one of the girls in the photos called the photo session an ‘“enjoyable day out” and a “fantastic time.”
Michel Houellebecq’s controversial statements came during a far-reaching discussion with highly-prolific French philosopher and author Michel Onfray.
Ruud Koopmans, a Dutch sociologist, professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, and researcher on migration, social integration, and transnationalization said many of the rioters “grew up in a culture of hatred of the West.”
Religious grounds are rarely taken into account by the bodies responsible for examining asylum applications. On the other hand, asylum applications based on sexual orientation do not seem to pose a problem for the French authorities.
The move comes despite Russian President Vladmir Putin’s warning that attempts by the West to cap the price of Russian oil would have “grave consequences” for world markets.
What we see in the world of artifice—on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook—is the substitution of the person with a manufactured icon; a shallow image reflected back in the clear pool.
The loss for SAS is severe, but other airlines, among them Lufthansa, Air France, Ryanair, and Norwegian, made a profit in the last quarter.